
Our Mission

To accelerate the adoption of eco-efficient minerals and metals production practices.

Meet the boardMeet the patrons

An introduction to CEEC

CEEC International was established in 2011 by a group of mining industry leaders, who recognised the need to provide a platform for effective communication of the latest technical findings on efficient comminution practices. Extensive research and improved engineering design has established that a range of improved blasting, crushing and grinding techniques may lower project costs, and improve energy efficiency.

In 2022, CEEC International rebranded to demonstrate the growth in their purpose. CEEC International: Coalition for Minerals Efficiency, is not only focused on reducing energy consumption in comminution, but also water consumption, tailings management and GHG emissions.

CEEC International Directors have a statement of Good Goverance, the full statement can be found here.

mining photo

The Vision

CEEC's vision is to support the global resources sector to provide the minerals and metals for society with the lowest impact, including water, emissions and wastes. We will do this through knowledge sharing, cross-sector collaboration, and advocacy of eco-efficient practices.

CEEC International is a unique global initiative, providing access to research findings, analytical tools, site information and innovations. CEEC exists to facilitate and accelerate information, knowledge, and technology transfer with the objective of reducing energy consumption, water consumption and other impacts associated with the mining, processing, and refining of minerals. CEEC is an independent not-for-profit registered charity led by our volunteer networks for the benefit of society.  

CEEC aims to improve eco efficient practices through:  

  1. acquiring and disseminating knowledge on practices and research;   
  1. facilitating a reduction in carbon and other emissions, improve water efficiency and reduce tailings production;  
  1. playing a leadership role in promoting positive changes in the resources sector internationally;   
  1. Establishing forums for open and candid exchange of views and experiences. 

"The most tangible benefit of Gold Fields’ association with CEEC, of which we are a founding financial sponsor, will be in using the organisation as a technical resource for comminution efficiency programmes, benchmarking and standardisation in KPI measurements. The access to CEEC’s library of technical information specifically targeted at comminution efficiency is also extremely beneficial, as is the network of CEEC member companies which can provide peer support and assistance. The CEEC has also attracted a series of consultants and academics, which could be used in future programmes."

Nick Holland CEO Gold Fields Ltd and CEEC Patron

Significant savings in comminution

The Australian Federal Government Energy Efficiency Opportunities program encourages large energy-using businesses to improve their energy efficiency. It does this by requiring businesses to identify, evaluate and report publicly on cost effective energy savings opportunities. Businesses participating in Energy Efficiency Opportunities are required to undertake a detailed energy assessments in order to identify opportunities to improve energy use, and to report publicly on the outcomes. A recent report by Newmont Asia Pacific summarised significant energy savings at their Jundee operation. Sag/Ball Mill Weight Control (Newmont Jundee Operations) During late 2009 and early 2010 the power draw of the SAG and Ball Mill motors at Jundee was reduced by better managing the SAG and Ball mill weight.

What people are saying

To balance global demand for energy & resources, eco-efficiency is essential

Dr Mike Daniel CMD Constulting Pty Ltd

The most efficient way of breaking rock is not to break rock at all!

Dr Rob Morrison JKMRC
Eco-efficiency as applied to the mineral industry has been overlooked for a long time. Comminution is an easy starting point and the impact of some simple but aptly applied concepts can have huge benefits in reducing energy consumption and related carbon emissions
Dr Zeljka Pokrajcic Worley-Parsons

CEEC is an excellent technical initiative aimed at helping to deliver resources from our great mining industry with disciplined energy efficiency.

Owen Hegarty – CEEC Patron Executive Vice Chairman G-Resources Grp Executive Vice Chairman CST Mining Grp

The world needs more minerals and it needs to be more energy efficient.

Owen Hegarty – CEEC Patron Executive Vice Chairman G-Resources Grp Executive Vice Chairman CST Mining Grp

Eco-efficiency is the “delivery of competitively priced goods and services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life while progressively reducing environmental impacts of goods and resource intensity throughout the entire life-cycle to a level at least in line with the Earth’s estimated carrying capacity