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Comminution Energy and How to Reduce it. A presentations by Prof Tim Napier-Munn JKMRC (UQ) and CEEC A pdf of the full presentation can b...
Australian Technology: Inspiring Global Mining Innovation Austmine is proud to announce the launch of its 2013 Conference and Exhibition –...
Comminution '14 Vineyard Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa April 7-10, 2014 The 9th International Comminut...
Comminution Energy and How to Reduce it. A presentations by Prof Tim Napier-Munn JKMRC (UQ) and CEEC A pdf of the full presentation can b...
In November 2011 JKTech Ltd and Gekko Systems Ltd sponsored a Workshop focused on  Eco-efficient comminution at Procemin 2011. The workshop...
MetPlant 2013 will develop the themes from previous MetPlant conferences which encompass mineral processing, hydrometallurgy, biometallurgy,...