2015 European Symposium on Comminution and Classification: Call for abstracts.

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Tuesday, January 06, 2015

ESCC 2015 Gothenburg, Schweden, 7-10 September 2015

The Call for Abstracts is now open! Deadline for abstract submission: 20 February 2015


A. Comminution and classification of industrial minerals, cement, ores and secondary materials

Topic chairs: Philipp M. Fleiger, Jan Rosenkranz

The topic covers advances made in the field of size reduction and classification of particles in the size region commonly related to minerals processing, from primary crushing to milling, i.e. from rocks to 10 micron. Contributions may be focused on applied modelling and simulation of machines, dynamic simulation, flow sheet considerations, energy efficiency and optimization etc. Specially addressed industries include the Mining industry, Industrial Minerals, Cement and Secondary materials.

B. Grinding, dispersion and classification of fine particles

Topic chairs: Frank Müller (BASF), Arno Kwade

The topic covers advances made related to processing of organic or in-organic fine particles, usually from mm or µm to the sub-micron size region. Contributions may be focused on fine grinding, wear, modelling, grinding media, characterization, dispersion and nano-milling etc. Specially addressed industries include Food, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical industries.

C. Fundamentals, modelling and simulation

Topic chairs: Marcello Tavares, Mojtaba Ghadiri

The topic covers advances made related to fundamental understanding of particle behavior especially when subjected to stress conditions. Contributions may be focused on fracture mechanics, breakage modelling, particle flow and transport modelling, classification physics, as well as plant and equipment simulation etc.

D. Innovation and new technologies

Topic chairs: Hakan Benzer

The topic covers advances made related to new technologies, ideas and innovative solutions. Contributions may be focused on new machines and processes, non-mechanic comminution, novel characterization techniques, online measurement, new sorting techniques etc.

E. Industrial operation perspectives

Topic chairs: Magnus Evertsson

The topic covers specifically insights and case studies from industrial operations. Contributions may be focused on performance optimization, control strategies, energy and water management, mineralogical complexity, declining ore grades etc.

Unifying theme: Sustainability and energy efficiency

As a unifying theme across all topics we want to acknowledge the major challenges facing the industry related to energy efficiency and sustainability. The contribution does not have to be directly related to this topic however it is of value to include a discussion and perspective on how your work is connected to the challenges related to energy efficiency and sustainability (economy, society, environment).

Abstract details:

The abstract title must not exceed 100 characters including spaces

For a successful evaluation please make sure that the following sections are distinct parts of your abstract; Background, Problem description, Expected results and conclusions.

The abstract must not exceed 3000 characters including spaces.

Abstracts will be reviewed for an oral or poster presentation.

The conference language is English.

Submit your abstract before 20th of February 2015 via www.escc2015.org

Comment: Abstract text and author information should be submitted directly to the submission system via input fields; hence no .doc or .pdf-file needs to be uploaded.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade

TU Braunschweig

Institut für Partikeltechnik

Volkmaroder Str. 5

38104 Braunschweig


Tel: +49-531 391 9613

Fax: +49-531 391 9633

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.