48th Annual Canadian Mineral Processors Operators Conference

You are here: News / 48th Annual Canadian Mineral Processors Operators Conference
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Le français suit, and the CALL FOR SHORT COURSES follows the French version.


The 48th Annual Canadian Mineral Processors Operators Conference will be held in Ottawa, Ontario, January 19th to 21st, 2016. The Canadian Mineral Processors Conference is one of the world's premier operators' conferences with a distinguished history of providing a fertile venue for the exchange of ideas on all aspects of mineral processing.

Please submit technical papers from the full spectrum of subjects in mineral processing for all commodities. We are specifically soliciting papers from new and operating plants describing plant design, start-ups and improvements, application of new technologies, ore characterization and process mineralogy in optimization and design, precious metals recovery, tailings handling and management.

Papers on other aspects of interest will also be considered. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any additional information. Authors selected will be required to present a 20 minute technical presentation to the conference.

Please submit a ~200 word abstract for consideration before June 15th, 2015 to:

Scott Martin, 1st Vice Chair CMP


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Tel: (778) 986 4873

Your notice of acceptance will be granted on or before August 1st, 2015.



La 48e conférence annuelle des Minéralurgistes du Canada se tiendra à Ottawa , Ontario , du 19 au 21 janvier 2016. La conférence annuelle des Minéralurgistes du Canada est l'une des conférences internationales de premier plan avec une histoire remarquable, visant à fournir un lieu propice à l'échange d’idées sur tous les aspects de la transformation des minéraux.

Nous vous invitons à soumettre des documents techniques reliés aux divers sujets compris dans le traitement des minerais. Nous sollicitons particulièrement les papiers traitant de nouvelles usines et de conception d’usine, les démarrages et les améliorations, l'application de nouvelles technologies, la caractérisation du minerai et la minéralogie appliquée dans l'optimisation et la conception, la récupération des métaux précieux, et la gestion des résidus.

Des papiers sur d'autres aspects d'intérêt seront également considérés. N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour toute information complémentaire. Les auteurs sélectionnés seront tenus de présenter un exposé technique, en anglais, de 20 minutes lors de la conférence.

Veuillez soumettre un résumé (en anglais) d’environ 200 mots pour évaluation avant le 15 juin 2015 à :

Scott Martin, 1er vice-président CMP


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: (778) 986 4873

Votre avis d'acceptation sera transmis d’ici le 1er Août 2015.



The CMP organizing committee invites proposals for short courses to be presented at the 48th Annual Canadian Mineral Processors Operators Conference. Courses can be offered in either French or English. The following are examples of topics, listed by category that would be of interest to conference participants.

Process design and operation

• Comminution

• Flotation

• Gravity separation

• Gold ore processing

• Hydrometallurgy

• Tailings Preparation

Process equipment selection and operation

• Slurry pumps

• Pipelines

• Belt conveyors

• Solid/Liquid separation

Ore characterization

• Mineralogy

• Testing and piloting

Plant performance monitoring and optimization techniques

• Sampling

• Geometallurgy

• Instrumentation

• Process control & measurement

• Simulation

• Tailings and water management and treatment

• Metallurgical accounting

• Mineral economics, deposit economic evaluations, cost estimation, NI43-101

Deadline to Submit Proposal: August 31, 2015

Requirements for Short Course Proposals

Course Title: The title of the proposed course should be concise and accurately reflect the content of the course.

Course Language: Courses can be offered in French or English

Lead Instructor: Identify one person as Lead Instructor. Future correspondence will be conducted through the Lead Instructor, who will be responsible for informing the other instructors.

Instructors: Instructors must have demonstrable expertise in the discipline (qualifications to be included in the proposal). Each instructor's role in the course should be clearly defined.

Course Length: Short courses are generally either full-day (8 hours) or 2-day course (16 hours) however but half day courses are also considered.

Objectives: State the objectives of the course in a few sentences.

Description: The description, 200 words maximum, must cover the purpose of the course and the topics to be discussed.

Outline: Include a concise listing of topics to be discussed.

Products/Course Materials: List the products to be distributed and their format (e.g. hardcopy of course notes, CD, etc.). Indicate if you are producing the material for distribution or you wish CMP to do the reproduction.

Audio-Visual: Please list all equipment you will need to conduct your course (audio-visual equipment, computers etc.

Cost Estimate: Please accurately estimate all costs for which you expect reimbursement.

Special Needs: List any special room, space, or equipment requirements. Also list items that you expect participants to bring (laptop computers, for example).

Please submit your proposals by August 31st 2015 to:

Tad Crowie, CMP Past Chair 2016 Janice Zinck, CMP Secretary

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(250) 248-7745 (613) 995-4221