New P9 project

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

AMIRA International and the P9Q Research partners have announced the latest extension proposal for the P9 series of projects is currently in circulation to potential sponsors. This project is defined as a “Translational Research Project “as it is designed to translate the research outcomes from previous P9 projects into tools for industry to achieve operational improvement. This focus on translation and delivery helps to set this project apart from the past successful P9 Projects by matching the current needs of our industry for productivity and production cost improvements during this time of lower commodity prices.

The AMIRA P9Q Project is a three year program designed by the AMIRA and the P9Q Research Partners in close cooperation with an industry driven P9Q Working Committee to validate and verify 12 – 18 mineral processing equipment models that originated from the P9P Project. The number of models validated and verified will depend on the level of funding garnered from industry. The P9Q models will be made more valuable by translating them onto the Integrated Extraction Simulator (IES) developed and introduced in P9P by CRC ORE. Significant improvements in IES capabilities are planned as part of the P9Q Project. The combination of the validated and verified models operating in the improved IES will give sponsors a powerful package of simulation tools which will help sponsors to:

> Simulate new plant designs under known conditions,

> Perform due diligences as defined by existing sponsors, at the commencement of the project

> Benchmark and develop operating baselines for plants,

> Perform simulations that are predictive based on impacts of a limited number of parameters such as particle size distribution or a specific element or mineral,

> Perform a defined range of “what if” scenarios to accomplish plant optimisation recommendations for operations improvement.

All of these results will be delivered with higher confidence than previously due to the improved model functionality and the ability to deal with ore blends of differential breakage and processing properties.

Sponsors of P9Q will have access to the validated and verified P9 models operating on the IES platform exclusively during the three year project duration and for 18 months following the end of the project. It is believed that during the current tough economic climate that the utilisation of the whole package will lead to outcomes that will assist P9Q project sponsors to enhance their economic viability over the next four to five years and therefore should be a strong motivator for being part of the AMIRA P9Q consortium.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +61 438822103 or Terry Braden +1 303 859 6754. Terry will also be attending and chairing the comminution session at the SME Meeting in Phoenix in February 2016 and he would be very pleased to meet you and discuss the AMIRA P9Q Translating Research to Industry Tools project with you.