Applications open for 2015 CEEC Medal

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Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Press Release. December 1, 2014

The CEEC Medal is an annual award intended to recognise and celebrate outstanding published papers, articles or case studies profiling beneficial strategies for eco-efficient comminution. Applications have recently opened for the 2015 Medal CEEC, launched in November 2011.

“The CEEC Medal is intended to bring attention to “best-in-class” research or documentation in the field of eco-efficient comminution. This area of mineral processing provides significant opportunities for improved profit and energy efficiency gains in the mining industry” noted CEEC Director Dr Zeljka Pokrajcic.

The CEEC Medal raises the status of beneficial eco-efficient comminution strategies by:

• Recognising and celebrating individuals or teams who make an outstanding contribution in the field of beneficial eco-efficient comminution strategies.

• Acknowledging individuals or teams who contribute to building global knowledge of beneficial eco-efficient comminution practices by sharing examples of best practice and leadership in eco-efficient comminution and inspiring similar excellence in others.

• Identifying those who build greater awareness and understanding in the wider community of the benefits of knowledge transfer in the area of eco-efficient comminution and energy savings.

The CEEC Medal Evaluation Committee review the nominated papers assessing aspects such as originality, applicability, supporting research and documentation, prospective impact, potential energy savings, and presentation style.

Previous CEEC Medal recipients include:

2012: E Rybinski, J Ghersi, F Davila, J Linares, W Valery, A Jankovic, R Valle, S Dikmen for their paper Optimisation and Continuous improvement of the Antamina Comminution Circuit (2011) Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Autogenous and Semi-Autogenous Grinding Technology (SAG2011).

2013 C. Wang, S. Nadolski, O. Mejia, J. Drozdiak, B. Klein co-authored the paper titled Energy and Cost Comparisons of HPGR based circuits with the SABC circuit installed at the Huckleberry Mine.

2014 Dr Geoff Brent, Peter Dare-Bryan, Stuart Hawke, and Michael Rothery for their paper titled Ultra-High-intensity Blasting – A new Paradigm in Mining.

How to apply

Now recognised by the industry as the pre-eminent award for advances in Comminution efficiency, the Medal attracts global attention and interest, publication of the paper in a leading journal and more. CEEC’s Directors invite you to submit your application now.  Visit CEEC’s web site where you will find the details for application. Applications close on March 13, 2015.

ceec-medalPress ReleaseCEEC Medal 2015 announcement