BC based? How to source funding to hire an energy manager

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Thursday, April 30, 2015

HIRE AN ENERGY MANAGER: Get funding to hire a dedicated on-site energy management expert to implement a long-term energy management strategy.

BC Hydro offer an excellent program to support energy management. This initiative will help you if...

  • You use more than 20 gigawatt-hours of electricity per year (that's about $1 million).

    You are willing to hire your energy manager as a full-time employee.

    Your candidate's salary and qualifications meet certain criteria, subject to approval

How it works

For many customers, isolated efficiency projects are simply not enough; they want comprehensive energy management to grow their savings in the long-term. Our SEMP initiative provides advanced funding to hire an energy manager to develop and implement your Strategic Energy Management Plan.

What you get:

Up to 75 per cent salary funding for 2 years.

100 per cent of the cost for management coaching.

100 per cent funding for required training for your new energy manager.

100 per cent funding for the full cost of an on-site Energy Management Assessment.

A fully funded SEMP workshop to facilitate creation of your customized plan.

100 per cent funding for an Employee Awareness planning workshop and generous funding of employee engagement activities including training and awareness events.

Details attached BC Hydro energy manager program