Call for papers: IMPC 2016

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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The International Mineral Processing Congress has been in existence for more than sixty years, with the first one held in London in 1952. With 39 technical papers and 332 delegates, it was indeed an impressive start to what would become a long and successful series of world-renowned congresses. The IMPC has been a major driving force for the promotion of scientific and technical knowledge in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy across the globe, becoming the most prestigious event in its field in the world today. The congress is truly international in scope with delegates from all parts of the world deliberating and collaborating on critical issues facing the mining and mineral processing industry globally.

Submit your abstracts now for IMPC 2016. The abstracts must include these details: title, objective of the paper, results and its contribution to the development of mineral processing. The title should include the full contact information of each author. Once the abstract is accepted, its author must submit the full version of the paper by March 15, 2016. Author pre-registration by the deadline is a pre-requisite. Accepted papers will only be included in the final program and published if one author is registered by May 1, 2016.

Downlaod a summary of the call for abstracts here.
