MetSoc members’ outstanding contribution to the metallurgy and related fields have been recognised through the society’s 2018 awards.
“We would like to congratulate all of our MetSoc award recipients for their outstanding contributions to the profession and industry and setting the highest standards for the student and future members of society,” MetSoc said.
The awards presented:
MetSoc Airey Award, sponsored by XPS, Expert Process Solutions
Sam Marcuson, Vale (retired)
Silver Medal
Priti Wanjara, NRC
MetSoc Brimacombe Award
Jun Song, McGill University
MetSoc Innovation Award
Hatch Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Group for the Acousto Ultrasonic-Echo (AU-E) technique process (Dr. Sadri)
CIM Distinguished Lecturer
Mary Wells, University of Guelph
CIM Fellowship
Greg Richards, Teck Metals Limited
Daolun Chen, Ryerson University
Sherritt Hydrometallurgy Award
MetSoc Distinguished Materials Scientist Award
Xinjin Cao, NRC Aerospace Manufacturing Technology Centre
Pyrometallurgy Best Paper Award
Light Metals Best Paper Award
J.R. Kennedy, J.H. Park, J. Zollinger,D. Daloz and E. Bouzy for their paper entitled “Effects of Ti-Ta Alloy Additions on Ti-46Al Castings”, published in the proceedings of COM 2017- 56th annual Conference of Metallurgists hosting World Gold & Nickel Cobalt – 978-1-926872-36-0, August 27-30, 2017 Vancouver, Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
MetSoc Doctoral Scholarship
Georgios Kolliopoulos, University of Toronto
MetSoc Master Scholarship
Shauna Litke, University of British Columbia
Outstanding MetSoc Student Chapter
MetSoc is the Metallurgy and Materials Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.