Join us at CEEC's Workshop in Vancouver BC on Sept 24th, 2015

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Monday, September 14, 2015

Where does your operation sit on CEEC’s efficiency curve?

Join us at the CEEC Workshop in Vancouver BC on Sept 24th, 2015 from 8.30-12.30pm.

Moving to best practice in mineral processing advances processing energy efficiency and productivity. CEEC's energy curve program facilitates the development of best practice on an operating site by providing a tool for confidential comparison of individual operating efficiency against a range of operations. CEEC's energy curve program is provided free of charge to the industry, thanks to our sponsors.

Program will include

• Present the achievements and findings of the CEEC energy curve program over the past 12 months

• Demonstrate the insight gained from participation in CEEC's energy curve program.

• Demonstrate data entry to the energy curve program.

• Demonstrate data modelling and its impact on a site’s energy efficiency.

• Question and answer session

• User group session


Dr Grant Ballantyne, Research Fellow, is from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Engineering majoring in Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy in 2007. He completed a Doctorate in Philosophy at the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC). Grant is interested in reducing the energy consumed by the mining sector using initiatives such as coarse rejection of gangue and energy efficient comminution. His interests also encompass quantifying the proportion of energy consumed by comminution in the mining industry.


A modest charge covers this program and mid-morning refreshments.


8:30-9:00 am Welcome, review past Workshops

9:00-9:30 am Review energy curve program, data collated to date

9:30-10:00 Questions and answer

10:00-10:30 Morning tea

10:30 -11:00 Data modelling

11:00-11:30 User group breakout

11:30-11:45 Wrap up


Oceanic Plaza Meeting Room,

Pender level of Oceanic Plaza

1035 West Pender St,

Vancouver, BC