CMP 2015 program available.

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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Technical program for CMP 2015 is now available. Notable events: CEEC's Chair Joe will deliver the Plenary lecture on January 20th 2015. Joe's presentation addresses  "Doing More With What We Already Know – Improving the Efficiency of Minerals Processing".

Day 1's sessions are themed around Comminution and Projects. The program holds much promise with Alex Doll speaking on" A simple estimation method of materials handling energy in HPGR circuits." Zorig Davaanyam, PhD student and Research assistant from UBC will present his paper on "Predicting The Energy Requirements of an High Pressure Grinding Rolls With Piston Press Test. " Tuhin Banerjee will report on sustainable  optimsation of the SAG mill at Bell Creek, while Rao Latchireddi will present "Overflow versus grate discharge ball mills: an experimental comparison."

Keith Miriam will present another case study "Assessing Vertimill Ultrafine Grinding Performance; The Gibraltar Mine Case"  then Randall Peters will share his learning in "Throughput and Recovery Improvements following Commissioning of the Mount Milligan Mine."  Yannick Sasseville will share his findings in "Summary of tests with classification cyclones vs. vibrating screens and their effects on the recovery at Niobec."  These case studies are critical to shared industry knowledge.

Day 2 addresses Process Control and Flotation. Omar Araft from Metcom Technologies will present his recommendations for "Content and Structure of a Plant Grinding Management System." Metcom Technologies are contributing significant time to the Global Mining Standards Group Industrial Comminution Efficiency project therefore Omar's paper will have broad appeal.

Day 3 focuses on comminution, project optimization, metallurgy and geometallurgy, gold and iron ore reports. Paul Scinto from Orway will share the "OMC Power Based Comminution Calculations for Design, Modelling, and Circuit Optimisation. "  (Orway's Brian Putland was a valuable contributor to the 2014 CEEC workshop.) "How to Use Energy Management to Improve Mining Operation Productivity and Reduce Downtime: CanadianUtility Company Incentive Programs" by Chris Norman also has CEEC's interest .