Come along! CEEC Director Ivan Mullany shares update at 2015 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors Southern Ontario Branch

You are here: News / Come along! CEEC Director Ivan Mullany shares update at 2015 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors Southern Ontario Branch
Friday, August 28, 2015

The 2015 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors Southern Ontario Branch which will be held on Thursday, September 10th 2015, at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. The format will be the same with a social time at lunch, then the technical program in the afternoon, and wrapped up with a dinner and a guest speaker. The technical program is being reviewed at the moment and details will be sent once completed.

We are offering electronic pre-registration through Eventbrite. Pre-registration will help us get the right number of meals for the dinner. Even with the preferred online pre-registration and payment option, you are still able to pay at the door or by mail if you prefer (just pick the Eventbrite ticket option with the pay by mail or door option). Payment by mail or at the door will be cash or cheque only. Cheques should be addressed to Southern Ontario CMP and can be mailed to me at the address below. Payment by credit card is online only. Registration will be $80/member and $90/non-member.

Sponsorship is as usual a big part of the success of this event. Our sponsors enable us to hold this wonderful event, support students to come to the meeting and to give scholarships to deserving students. This year’s sponsorship is divided into 3 categories: Gold (1000$), Silver (500$) and Bronze (300$). Sponsors logo will be displayed on the screen and on tables at different levels based on the type of sponsors.

Eventbrite link:

We hope to see you there! The CMP is the cornerstone of our part of the mining industry and this meeting is a good place to meet the other people in the industry and to renew contacts after the summer break.

Schedule of Activities for Thursday September 10, 2015


12:00 pm Registration Begins

Technical Session

12:30 pm Cold Buffet Lunch

1:30 pm Introduction

1:40 pm Technical session

1. “The Value of Good Sampling” by Doug Brand (Heath and Sherwood)

2. “The Separation Rapids/Big Whopper Project Update” by Dave Marsh (Avalon Rare Metals)

3. “Predictive Computer Modeling of Scale Formation in Mining Process Water Streams” by Bill Gonzalez (ChemTreat)

4. “CEEC Update” by Ivan Mullany (CEEC)

3:20 pm Break

3:40 pm Technical Session

1. “Operations Intelligence in Mining & Mineral Processing” by Keith Donovan (Schneider Electric)

2. “Oxide / Sulphide Copper Ores Co-Processing” by Paul Tucker (SNC-Lavalin)

3. “Application of HPGR Comminution for the Hardrock Project” by Paul Blatter (Greenstone Gold Mines)

4. “Evaluation of Advanced Ore Sorting Technology for the Gowest Bradshaw Gold Project” by Garth Wilcox (Gowest Gold) and Vikram Jayaraman (Outotec).

5:15 pm Business Meeting

5:30 pm Reception - bar

6:30 pm Dinner - Guest Speaker “Challenges in Exploration and Development of Mineral Resources” by Thomas J. O'Bradovich (Predident and CEO, Barkerville Gold)

Please feel free to contact Y Breau at any time with questions or comments.

Yves Breau

Kinross Gold Corporation

25 York Street, 17th floor

Toronto, Ontario

M5J 2V5

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone (416) 369-3323

Organized by the 2015 executive committee

Chair: Yves Breau

Treasurer: Paolo Toscano

Past Chair: Johnna Muinonen

Member: John Starkey

Member: Stuart McTavish

Member: Robert Raponi

Member: Vikram Jayaraman