Energy as a controllable cost

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Friday, July 17, 2015

CEEC Director Mary Stewart presented to the joint AusiMM and ACPS Sydney branch meeting  on July 15 2015, on the topic of energy as a controllable cost. Her key messages were:

• Energy and carbon policy is in flux but won’t be going away

• You need to understand your energy contracts and their implications to best reduce costs

• Energy benchmarking (using the Energetics tool and the CEEC program) is a good way to identify where you should focus your efforts

• Productivity is paramount and energy is a great diagnostic/measurement for productivity

• Lack of certainty on carbon policy is potentially undermining the ability of the Australian mining industry to improve productivity (through reducing the competitiveness of Australian projects in an international industry)

Mary Stewart  Download Mary's presentation here. Please contact this office or Energetics for more information on this topic.