The Coalition for Energy Efficient Comminution (CEEC) has welcomed a new sponsorship agreement with Canadian-based global copper, nickel and zinc producer, Lundin Mining.
Lundin Mining is a diversified base metals mining company with operations in Brazil, Chile, Portugal, Sweden and the USA.
CEEC CEO Ms Alison Keogh said the agreement was of benefit to the international mining sector, as the two organisations align to promote industry uptake up of energy-efficient, lower footprint mining.
“We are pleased to work with Lundin Mining to boost sharing of best practice and site improvement options, helping all of industry accelerate more efficient, lower footprint mining,” she said.
Ms Keogh said the sponsorship agreement recognised a strong alignment between Lundin Mining’s values and CEEC’s mission to share mining practices that improve energy efficiency, reduce costs, enhance shareholder value and help businesses achieve sustainability targets.
Ron McGregor, Group Metallurgist said Lundin Mining was pleased to join the CEEC network and support its collaborative work in fostering energy-efficient mining practices.
“Lundin Mining is committed to mining base metals vital to society in a responsible way. We seek to continuously improve our sustainability performance.,” Mr McGregor said.
“We have established a Responsible Mining Policy that describes our specific management commitments. Our Responsible Mining Framework provides a comprehensive, single point of reference for information relating to our commitment to sustainable development. Under this Framework we commit to develop and implement management systems and operating practices that take into consideration applicable international guidelines.
“Our values of excellence and integrity in our actions mirror the objectives of CEEC, which is why we are pleased to form this partnership. Contributing to CEEC’s efforts creates an opportunity for our people to work together with industry to improve mining’s processing efficiency and footprint.”
Ms Keogh said sponsorship support from visionary mining companies, such as Lundin Mining, is critical to CEEC’s success, supporting CEEC to continue to provide free support to industry globally.
“Lundin Mining is an important leader in global mining and clearly demonstrates a commitment to efficiency and sustainable development. By joining as a sponsor, Lundin Mining enables CEEC to continue our work, igniting discussions that shape a positive future for mining and our communities.
“CEEC is a not-for-profit group, entirely funded by sponsorship from the minerals industry. We have a strong network and we focus on sharing energy-efficient, lower footprint comminution and processing practices. Sponsorship from Lundin Mining and our other supporters helps us to connect leading thinkers across our network and through our global workshops, promoting best practice and innovation” she said.
“CEEC taps into this knowledge, hosting high quality, free information and resources on our website and via workshops, including improvement and benchmarking tools. By collaborating and sharing leading advances and solutions, we all benefit. We help accelerate industry uptake of improvement and innovation, which can reduce footprint and improve shareholder value and community support,” she said.
For more information on Lundin Mining visit: