With iron ore prices back up at a near-high since April this year after a see-saw ride, the topic of pricing outlook with be keenly discussed, with the conference focusing on “Building Resilience”.
CEEC will be there along with many of our sponsors including Weir Minerals, FLSmidth, Steinert, Orica, and more, plus collaborators METS Ignited.
There will be keynotes on the iron ore market outlook and economic considerations, and iron ore insights from Australia, India’s growing industry, and Japan’s latest ironmaking technologies.
Topic streams include a strong focus on ore characterisation and geometallurgy, as well as mining and project optimisation. Plus new equipment, beneficiation, agglomeration, logistics, exploration, geology, geostatistics, innovation and more.
We look forward to hearing the presentations on recovery, reconciliation, sensing and mineral recognition technologies, texture and handleability, and drill core and ore characterisation predictions of products.
Take the opportunity to hello to CEEC if you’re planning to attend. We look forward to hearing more about iron ore miners tackling and integrating better efficiency and productivity solutions through fragmentation, crushing and milling across a range of iron ore types around the world.
CEEC acknowledges and thanks in-kind supporters The AusIMM, and the Iron Ore conference committee for their hard work again in offering this premier global iron ore conference.
Register here: http://www.ironore.ausimm.com.au/registration
To be held in the Exhibition and Convention Centre in Perth, Australia. Drop in and say hello, and learn the latest.