Key Events Diary – Register now for Online, Australian, Chilean and American events

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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Online/Australia – HiTeMP-3 Forum

The third international High Temperature Minerals Processing (HiTeMP) Forum, run by the University of Adelaide’s Centre for Energy Technology (CET), the Heavy Industry Low-Carbon Transition (HILT) CRC and Mission Innovation's Net Zero Industry (NZI) Mission, will take place online and in Adelaide, Australia on 26th-28th September 2022.

The HiTeMP Forum engages key stakeholder groups to develop synthesized perspectives of emerging drivers, technologies and opportunities to further decarbonize energy-intensive, high temperature process industries.

The organizers estimate that 250 leading specialists from around the world in industry, research and government will gather to identify the most prospective pathways to decarbonize the major high temperature industrial processes on which our global economy depends. They also expect it to build on the outcomes of the previous forums and identify the next steps for decarbonizing heavy industry.

Registration for the event is now open here, and virtual attendance options are available.


Online – Procemin-Geomet 2022

The 18th international Procemin-Geomet conference will take place online from 5th-7th October 2022.

The conference focuses on best practices and innovations related to mineral processing and geometallurgy in metallic and non-metallic mining. The organizers expect 300 participants and 70 presentations.

The conference program includes live streaming of three plenary sessions, four roundtables and a discussion panel. There will also be more than 60 pre-recorded presentations, which will be available on demand on 30th September.

Delegates can register for the event here.


Online/Australia – IMARC 2022

The International Mining and Resources Conference & Expo (IMARC) will take place in Sydney, Australia from 2nd-4th November 2022.

Registration is open here.


Online/Australia - Global Uranium Conference 2022

The Global Uranium Conference (GUC) 2022 will be hosted by industry in Adelaide, Australia from 9th-11th November 2022 and offers a platform on which global experts and industry leaders can present the latest research and best practice in the global uranium industry.

South Australia has been amongst the top three global producers of uranium since the 1930s and with an exceptional track record of the highest standard of safety, regulation and ESG credentials.

The conference will feature a quality, single stream plenary over two days, as well as high profile keynote speakers, panels and Q&A sessions. There will be plenty of formal and informal networking opportunities and social functions as well as opportunities to discuss topical matters with sponsors, exhibitors and other delegates.

Among the confirmed keynote speakers and titles are:

  • An Official Conference Opening by the Hon Tom Koutsantonis - Minster for Energy and Mining, Infrastucture and Transport
  • Treva Klingbiel (TradeTech) - Uranium Prices and Nuclear Fuel Market Information
  • Helen Cook (GNE Advisory) - The Legal Challenges of establishing a Nuclear Energy Industry in Australia
  • John Vagenas (Metallurgical Systems) - Can There be a Future Without Nuclear Power
  • Brian Reilly (Snr Vice President and COO, Cameco) - Cameco's Direction in the Athabasca Basin
  • Duncan Craib (Boss Energy) - Honeymoon Mine Re-Start
  • Luminita Grancea (TradeTech)(formerly OECD/NEA) - Social and Economic Benefits of Uranium Mining – Release of Handbook
  • Doug Boreham (McMaster University) - The Latest in the Biology of Radiation
  • Mark Ho (ANSTO) - Technologies in Nuclear Reactors
  • Ben Heard (Frazer Nash Consultancy) - Why SMRs are Perfectly Suited for the Australian Context
  • Geoff Currie (Charles Sturt University) - Nuclear Medicine: An Update on a Uranium Dependent Industry
  • Kathy Ehrig (BHP Olympic Dam) - Uranium Mineralogy - Challenging but Imagine if......
  • Leigh Curyer (NexGen Energy) - Delivering Uranium for the World's Future Clean Energy Needs
  • Mark Chalmers (Energy Fuels) - Is History Repeating?
  • Edward Obbard (UNSW Nuclear Engineering Program) - Establishing a New School of Nuclear
  • John Borshoff (Deep Yellow Ltd) - Project Updates - Namibia and Australia
  • Wayne Heili (Peninsula Energy) - Lance Projects - Wyoming - in transition from alkaline to low pH ISR
  • Lenka Kollar (NuScale) - SMRs, sustainable energy policy, nuclear waste, nuclear power's role in the hydrogen future
  • Greg Hall (Alligator Energy) - Samphire Uranium Project, South Australia – Early Development stage ISR
  • Jess Page (WGA) - Machine Learning Application to ISR Uranium Recovery
  • Kyra Reznikov (Finlaysons) – The Legal Matters Arising Through the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
  • Peter Waggitt (ex-IAEA) – Learnings from Rehabilitation at the Ranger Mine
  • Daniel Bellifemine (Sth Australian EPA) - Changes to the Environmental Protection Regulations
  • Brandon Munro (Bannerman) - Etango-8: Defying Economies of Scale in Bulk Tonnage Mining
  • Sharyn Paulka - Approach to Radiation Safety at the Ranger Uranium Mine, Northern Territory

Registration is open on the conference website, and early bird registration closes on 30th September.


Chile – Copper 2022

The Copper 2022 conference will be hosted by the Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas de Chile in Santiago, Chile from 13th-17th November 2022.

The conference organizers said that engineers, scientists, and copper fabricators and users from the entire world will meet at this conference, exchanging ideas, scientific innovation, and development. Along with the technical papers and plenary sessions, there will also be some short courses and industrial tours as part of the program.

The conference has been organized into nine symposia:

  • Economics, Markets and Applications;
  • Mineral Processing;
  • Pyrometallurgy;
  • Hydrometallurgy;
  • Electrometallurgy;
  • Sustainability;
  • Process Optimization Through Innovation, Technology, Automation and Design;
  • Waste Management and Circular Economy; and
  • Geometallurgy.

Registration is open on the conference website here.



The Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) MINEXCHANGE 2023 Annual Conference & Expo will take place from 26th February – 1st March 2023 in Denver, US.

The theme of the 2023 edition of the conference is ‘Investing in Success – Building Trust in Mining’. The organizers said: “As the mining industry steps into the spotlight, supplying the minerals critical to powering a green economy, the focus on ESG, innovation and health & safety is more important than ever.”

Registrations for the event are not yet open, but you can sign up here to receive updates.


Global/Australia – World Mining Congress 2023

The 26th World Mining Congress will take place in Brisbane, Australia from 26th-29th June 2023.

Hosted by the CSIRO, the congress will feature mining experts from around the globe sharing their research and technological developments.

The congress has three overarching themes: Digital Transformation, Zero Harm and Emissions, and the Circular Economy. These themes will be addressed over four days under 12 streams, which will cover:

Artificial Intelligence (AI);

  • Autonomous Systems;
  • Critical Minerals;
  • Decarbonization;
  • Environmental Sustainability;
  • Future Workforce & Education;
  • Geosciences & Discovery;
  • Health, Safety & Wellbeing;
  • Mining Science & Engineering;
  • New Mining Frontiers;
  • Processing & Refining; and
  • Social Performance & Governance.

The preliminary program is due to be released by the end of September 2022. Registration is open here, with an early bird rate available until 26th March 2023.