MEI’s Comminution ’18 – Final Call for Abstracts

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Friday, August 25, 2017

CEEC invites you to submit a paper for presentation at Comminution ’18.

• Vineyard Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa
• April 16-19, 2018

MEI’s Comminution conferences focus on cutting edge research and innovation in all aspects of crushing, grinding and ultrafine grinding in the minerals industry.
MEI is particularly seeking industrially based research papers showing the benefits of basing practical application on scientific rigour, such as the industrial validation of models and control techniques.

Abstract submissions

Short abstracts, of no more than 150 words, should be emailed to Dr. Barry Wills in Rich Text Format (.rtf) by the end of September 2017.

Draft papers

If accepted, draft papers will be required. These will form the unrefereed Proceedings, which will be available to delegates on a USB stick at the conference. Copyright on these papers belongs to the individual authors, and not to MEI.

Final papers

Final papers should be submitted no later than one month after the end of the conference. These will be refereed, and, if accepted, published in a special Comminution issue of the Minerals Engineering journal. Corresponding authors will receive one complimentary copy of this special issue. All other delegates may purchase the special issue from Elsevier Science Ltd at a discounted rate.

Ordering papers

Papers from the conference will be published in a special issue of Minerals Engineering journal. You will be able to view and download papers from this special issue from ScienceDirect after it has been published.

More information on Comminution ’18 Conference website.

Comminution ’18, Cape Town. Final call for abstracts.