MinSouth AGM October 8th 2015

You are here: News / MinSouth AGM October 8th 2015
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The MInSouth society have generously invited me to say a few words at their upcoming AGM. It will be a good chance to meet some of the global community who strongly support CEEC by adding comments on our LinkedIn groups, and writing technical papers reporting on energy efficient comminution strategies. I plan to post some photos to document meeting this group very soon!


Who we are: MinSouth is a local learned society of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3). Our mission is to be the focus for mining & minerals related professionals based in London and the South East of England, to inform the wider public and to support the IOM3 in its objectives. In particular we have a voice through the Mining and Minerals grouping of the IOM3, the International Mining & Minerals Association, IMMa. We are funded by a grant from the IOM3 and through company sponsors who share our learned society aims.

Our community: Our 800 plus members belong to the thriving mining community centred on London of technical consultants, suppliers of equipment and support services, financial advisors and the head office staff of major international mining companies and a number of junior companies. Also we have members representing the "Royal School of Mines" and other academic institutions teaching geology and engineering, which lie within our area. International visitors often attend our meetings. IOM3 members can select us as their local society and non IOM3 members may join MinSouth directly. We welcome new members. Join here

Activities and Networking: Events Our programme provides this community with a monthly social get together, the Mining Sundowner on the last Thursday from January to November, and evening technical meetings, monthly from October to June, an Annual Prestige Lecture presented by a major industry figure, a joint meeting with the British Tunnelling Society and an Annual Commodity Day. Attendance at MinSouth Technical Lectures qualifies as part of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD), required to maintain Chartered Status.