New Comminution Handbook launched at Metplant 2015

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

MetPlant will be the venue for the launch of a new AusIMM publication, the Comminution Handbook, which is briefly previewed here and will be reviewed more fully later in the year. The handbook is edited by Professor Alban Lynch and includes contributions from comminution researchers, manufacturers and other specialists.

It has been many years since metallurgists have had a current, practical handbook of this kind, and this one includes contributions from the coal, cement, sulphide and industrial mineral industries, as well as mill manufacturing and modelling researchers. Its sixteen chapters are structured around the themes of characterisation, processing equipment, circuit design and process optimisation and control.

The handbook begins with mineralogy, and reviews mineral liberation theory and quantitative analytical tools before addressing machines and circuits. Chapters 4 – 10 address types of comminution and classification machines including tumbling mills, crushers, stirred mills and HPGR, then chapters 11 – 16 cover circuit design, process control and modelling. Unlike classic mineral processing texts, this handbook gives substantial attention to comminution in the coal and cement industries as well as hard rock mining.


The Comminution Handbook, edited by Professor Alban Lynch.

  • Comminution Handbook contributors

    Alban Lynch

    Dirk Bass

    Katie Barns

    Duncan Bennett

    Hakan Benzer

    Alain Broussaud

    Marcos Bueno

    Don Burgess

    Hakan Dundar

    Udo Enderle

    Cathy Evans

    Matthew Fitzsimons

    Bianca Foggiatto

    Bodo Furchner

    Olivier Guyot

    Cathy Hewett

    Rick Hughes

    Cliff King

    Deon Kok

    Greg Lane

    Geoffrey Legrand

    Aubrey Mainza

    Eddie McLean

    Gunter Metzner

    Chris Morley

    Steve Morrell

    Joe Pease

    Marc Revalor

    Etienne Roux

    John Russell

    Glenn Schumacher

    Spike Taylor

    Walter Valery

    Peter Walker

    Thomas E Warne

    Mark V Weaver

    Jobe Wheeler

    Bob Yench