New partnership between MAC and CIPEC to facilitate energy efficiency measures

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Thursday, April 30, 2015

The agreement offers cost-shared assistance to members of the Mining Association of Canada (MAC) to achieve a level A rating in the energy use and GHG management protocol as defined in MAC’s Towards Sustainable Mining Initiative.

To achieve the level A rating a facility must show that its management system includes assigned accountability from senior management, and that it has a process in place to ensure energy data is reviewed regularly and fully integrated into operator actions. Facilities are also expected to provide energy awareness training and have systems in place to track and report energy use and GHG emissions data for both internal and external reporting. Finally, facilities must establish and meet targets for their energy use and GHG emissions performance.

Ben Chalmers, Vice-President MAC, says that the funding arrangement emerged from discussions between MAC and CIPEC. “Funding was already in place to assist mines in ISO 50001 implementation; extending it to mines that want to achieve Levels A, AA and AAA, is a great benefit for the industry”.

NRCan’s ecoENERGY Efficiency for Industry initiative, through CIPEC, will provide financial assistance of up to 50 percent of eligible costs to a maximum of $40,000.

Eligible costs include the development of an energy baseline for facilities, energy use assessment, and energy performance monitoring and reporting. Funding also covers professional fees and salaries of internal employees training for work related to the implementation of pilot or energy management projects. Equipment purchases and capital projects are not eligible.

“This partnership is great for membership and industry,” states Chalmers. “It will not only improve energy efficiency and GHG emissions but it also acknowledges the value of MAC’s Towards Sustainable Mining Initiative.”

Sarah Stinson, Director of the Industry and Transportation Division at NRCan, mentions that “the Mining Association of Canada’s Energy Use and GHG Emissions Management Protocol is aligned with NRCan’s objective to increase the adoption of Energy Management Systems by Canadian industry, which in turn will lead to reduced energy costs, improved competitiveness and GHG emissions reduction.”

News of the cost-sharing agreement has already been shared with many MAC members, who are interested in pursuing more energy efficiency measures. A webinar held in February provided initial information about the arrangement and the benefits to members. Chalmers notes that another webinar is planned in the near future with more information on the application process.

“Barely announced, the agreement is already drawing positive responses from MAC members, says Chalmers. “Our members clearly see the benefits of participation.”

As reported by Heads Up CIPEC