Online/Australia – MetPlant 2023

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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

AusIMM’s MetPlant 2023 conference will be held online and in Perth, Australia on 29th-31st May 2023.

The theme of MetPlant 2023 will be ‘World's Best Practice in Metallurgical Plant Design and Operating Strategies’, with a major underpinning theme of energy/carbon footprint reduction, process safety and ESG in autonomous operations, modularisation of plants, social performance and designing for renewable energy. CEEC Director and past Chair Joe Pease is one of the keynote speakers at the event.

The event will be hosted face to face and online through a virtual platform. Delegates will access outstanding keynote and technical presentations, interactive panel sessions, a full live trade exhibition, virtual booths, interactive discussion groups and networking functions, from anywhere in the world.

Resources professionals from a broad range of disciplines and across all mineral commodities (including base, precious and rare earth metals, iron ore and industrial minerals) will benefit from attendance at MetPlant 2023. The conference will facilitate robust discussion, debate and collaboration on current and future best practice using operational data and practical case studies.

The organizers said: “This is the perfect opportunity for all people working or involved in the minerals industry to explore the latest developments in metallurgical plant design, expansions and the optimisation of existing operations.”

Chartered Professionals can earn up to 24 PD hours by attending, but significantly more hours can be obtained by presenting at MetPlant 2023.

The deadline for abstracts closes on 24th June 2022. Collaborative papers between clients, engineers and designers are strongly encouraged. It is a really simple process to submit an abstract and, if accepted, the organising committee will work with you to put together your final paper which will be peer-reviewed and give you significant experience in public speaking, raising your professional profile and add to your technical publications.

Other key dates for authors include draft paper submission on 19th December 2022 and final drafts due on 6th March 2023.

There is also a range of sponsorship packages available, including bespoke packages for companies looking for additional exposure to delegates in the lead-up, during and post the conference. Partnering allows you to connect with key decision makers in mining organisations as well as resources professionals and industry stakeholders.

Registrations are not yet open for the event, but if you are interested in attending you can subscribe here to get up-to-date conference announcements. Any questions at all regarding MetPlant 2023 can be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.