The Procemin-Geomet 2021 Conference is an important global event centred in South America and an excellent opportunity for professionals to exchange knowledge, experiences, work methods, tools and technology advances related to mineral processing and geometallurgy.
Get involved and share your technical insights. Submit a 200 to 300-word abstract of your work, in Word format and in English, by April 2, 2021 vai the Gecamin website here. Abstracts to be written in English then full articles due 5 July. For authors whose abstract is selected and approved, 20 minute oral technical presentations will be pre-recorded for the conference and remain available to view for 3 months.
In 2020, Procemin-Geomet had over 300 participants, 63 articles, 139 participating mining companies and representatives from 12 countries. Early registration 20% discounts apply until 20 August 2021 giving you access to the whole conference program for CLP 280.000 / USD 400 or CLP 238.000 / USD340 for Authors, which includes:
- Full Access to the Conference Streaming Platform
- Live Sessions of Plenary Talks + 1 Live Discussion Panel
- On Demand Technical Talks
- Live Q&A Authors Panel
- Audio available in Spanish & English
- Networking instances
- Virtual Sponsors Fair
- Digital Proceedings Download
- Free registration to a Pre-Conference Course (to be confirmed)
Areas of Interest Procemin
- New processing technologies
- Modeling, design, optimization and control of mineral processes
- Conminution: crushing, grinding, SAG, HPGR
- Classification, screening and mineral sorting
- Flotation: fundamentals, reagents and industrial applications
- Sold-liquid separation and tailings retreatment
- Processing of precious metals, industrial and ferrous minerals
- Expansions and new projects
- Operation and plant management
- Minerals economy and material recycling
- Automatic control, expert systems and data analysis
Areas of Interest Geomet
- Applied mineralogy
- Mineral and clay characterization
- Mineral sampling
- Testing and prediction of process performance: crushing, grinding, flotation, leaching, sedimentation
- Prediction of chemical stability of tailings and mine wastes
- Geometallurgical characterization and modelling
- Production planning and scheduling
- Metallurgical balance and reconciliation
- Case studies and industrial practices
- Technology and software for data analysis and geometallurgy development
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