South Australian-made technology designed to make minerals processing cheaper and more productive is the latest innovation to receive funding through the Mining and Petroleum Services Centre of Excellence. IMPTEC profile published in SA Mines and Energy journal May 2015
Developed by Hope Forest-based IMP Technologies Pty Ltd (IMPTEC) the super fine crushing technology will pulverise ore through a crushing process only, avoiding the energy intensive grinding stage. The project received global industry support at the International Mineral Processing Congress in October 2014 and is now moving into a commercial trial.
Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis said $136,000 in funding support will be provided to the project through the State Government’s Mining and Petroleum Services Centre of Excellence.
“This technology has the potential to provide significant cost and production improvements for the global resources industry,” Mr Koutsantonis said. “This is uniquely South Australian technology, and reinforces our State’s reputation as a global hub for innovation in resources services and technology. “With cutting edge technology such as this at our disposal, we are creating a highly desirable environment for potential investors in South Australia’s minerals and energy resources sector.”
Director of IMPTEC John Doherty said the technology has important implications in reducing power consumption of mineral processing and the cement industry, and can reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as global operating costs.
“This technology will provide significant cost and production improvements by reducing capital costs of comminution (reducing solid materials from one average size to a smaller average size); reducing energy costs by around 30 per cent; providing water savings; and reducing maintenance costs and machine downtime,” Mr Doherty said. “Importantly for industry, it also helps by increasing mineral recovery rates through finer product size. “With the funding we’ve received through the Mining and Petroleum Services Centre of Excellence, we’ve been able to enter into a commercial trial with South Australian-based mining and construction industry companies, and secure the future of the project in South Australia.”
Mr Koutsantonis said the Mining and Petroleum Services Centre of Excellence provides a pathway for mining and energy companies, research institutions and South Australian businesses to work together to find solutions that will make our State's resources globally competitive.
“The Centre of Excellence brings together resource companies, research institutions and service providers to drive resource sector growth in South Australia,” he said. “It supports innovative new ideas with seed funding acting as a catalyst for developing the capabilities industry places value on.”
To find out more or to apply for funding visit the Mining and Petroleum Services Centre of Excellence section of the website.