Save the date: Sept 28, 2015 CEEC Energy Curve (Toronto)

You are here: News / Save the date: Sept 28, 2015 CEEC Energy Curve (Toronto)
Thursday, August 13, 2015

CMIC is proud to bring the CEEC Workshop to its members, in line with CMIC’s commitment to improved processing and mining outcomes. The CEEC Energy curve program supports operators’ goals to achieve more efficient mineral liberation using less energy and lower capital and operating costs.


Energy efficient mineral processing advances process optimisation by improving productivity. Comparison of mineral processing efficiency can be achieved using the program developed by Ballantyne et al 2014. The energy curve program facilitates the development of best practice on an operating site.

CEEC’s Energy Curve Program is a tool which allows comminution circuit operators to measure the energy efficiency of their operations and to contribute anonymously to the database on which the tool is based. This work provides reliable data which can be used to compare comminution energy consumption across different mine sites. The total gold and copper production of the mines included in the study effective July 31 2015 is 18 and 40 per cent respectively of global production.

The applications of CEEC’s energy curve program are many and varied. They can be used to map the position of the mine as production progresses with year-on-year analysis. Circuit design proposals can be compared to assess the position of the mine on the energy curve when operational. Operational efficiency improvements can be mapped on the curves to visually assess the magnitude of energy reductions achievable through various strategies. The efficiency with which the various comminution devices achieve size reduction can be mapped down a circuit to identify opportunities for improvement and the magnitude of achievable gains.

Program will include

  • Overview of the program objectives and methodology Summary of the achievements and findings of CEEC’s energy curve program to date. (1.3B tonnes ore in database effective July 31, 2015)
  • Presentation of the insight to be gained from participation in the energy curve program, including case studies.
  • User group session
  • Question and answer session

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