Tuesday, July 09, 2019
Earlybird rates close at the end of July for the 16thEuropean Symposium on Comminution and Classification (ESCC 2019), to be held in England on 2-4 September 2019.
Hosted by the University of Leeds, the symposium will present sessions on:
- Size reduction and classification related to energy technologies, pharmaceuticals, foods, minerals, and chemicals
- Mechanochemically, bulk and surface transformations
- Modelling across length scales
- Wear, erosion, and contamination
- Innovations in milling and classification process and equipment
- Nano-milling
- Enabling technologies
- Fundamentals of fracture.
International keynote speakers include Dr Aubrey Mainza, Dr Lian Liu, Dr -Ing. Steffen Sander, Prof. Wolfgang Peukert, Dr Jerry Heng and Prof. Marcelo Luis Tavares. They will be joined by plenary speakers Prof. Arno Kwade, Dr Michael Juhnke and Prof. Malcolm Powell.
The event will include poster sessions, exhibitions by instrument manufacturers and forum sessions to transfer knowledge and discuss industry trends. Visit the ESCC 2019 website to register or find out more.