CEEC CEO Alison Keogh interviewed CEEC director Bryan Rairdan for the CEEC director series. Some of the key areas covered in this podcast include:-
- Why Bryan decided to join the CEEC Board
- What value CEEC adds to industry
- What impact CEEC can have if industry works together
- CEEC’s breadth of tools and resources
- Strategies to improve the movement of eco efficient practises
- The importance of collaboration to advance the discussion on eco efficient comminution
- CEECs 10-year milestones and achievements
- Bryan's vision for industry in three years for 2030 and for 2050
- What's next for CEEC?
- Why join CEEC? As a contributor or a sponsor and opportunities for industry
- How we can support leaders to make the best decisions
- How technical professionals can articulate business value around managing risk