Call for Expressions of Interest for role as CEEC Director

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Download details here: CallforNominationsCEECBoard


Nomination & Expression of Interest – CEEC Board

Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting for CEEC International Ltd (CEEC) will be held on Thursday, 21st November, 2013, at 5.00 p.m. (AEDT).

In accordance with the Constitution for CEEC International Ltd., all Board members are required to retire from office or seek re-election no later than the second Annual General Meeting following his or her election or appointment, and are able to immediately offer themselves for re-election.

CEEC’s Chairman calls for Expressions of Interest to join the CEEC International Ltd Board. The document above summarises the skills sought and provides a  guide to the  expectations and responsibilities of a CEEC director.


Please contact CEEC's Executive Officer with queries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
