The Global Water Initiative - Roadmap
The Global Water Initiative is a collective industry effort to address water-related challenges through collaboration and research.
This Roadmap is a comprehensive guide outlining the intended pathways. This document is intended for stakeholders, including sp...
Spooner, Tsiminis, Moffatt, Payten, Teixeira, Klantsataya, de Prinse, Smith, Ottaway
Presented at the Preconcentration Digital Conference November 2020
Single wavelength fluorescence sensing has been used in the preconcentration of ores for many years in situations where it is typically...
Gursky, Kuzio, Krot, Zimroz
The low energy efficiency and excessive power of electric motors of large-scale vibrating machines for processing bulk materials motivated a new design of the inertial drive. This drive consists of one motor and two coaxial unbalanced masses, whose rotational f...
Góralczyk, Krot, Radosław, Ogonowski
Tumbling mills have been widely implemented in many industrial sectors for the grinding of bulk materials. They have been used for decades in the production of fines and in the final stages of ore comminution, where optimal levels for the enrichment p...
Noble, Ferguson
Presented at the Preconcentration Digital Conference November 2020
The mining industry is facing economic pressures to treat more challenging and lower grade ore types, as well as pressure relating to environmental impact and social license to operate. Preconcentration t...
BoBo, La Rosa, Cameron
Presented at the Preconcentration Digital Conference November 2020
Efficient pre-concentration using natural and induced deportment starts with effective blast design. Leveraging these characteristics using Size-Based Grade Engineering® techniques requires detailed...
Assimi, Koch, Garcia, Wagner, Neumann
Presented at the Preconcentration Digital Conference November 2020
Run-of-Mine (ROM) stockpiles are the inventory of valuable materials extracted from the mine. Depending on the customer requests, a selective addition of ore from stockyards should be...
Revell, Wilkie
Presented at the Preconcentration Digital Conference November 2020
The R&D landscape for ore pre-concentration technologies within mining is characterised by the development of individual technologies and point solutions. This presents METS and mining companies with th...
*P. Shelley, I. Molina, D. Patsikatheodorou
Presented at Procemin GEOMET 2019
The paper shows how measurements from inside an operating SAG mill are now a reality. The paper discusses how the measurements might affect and enhance energy efficient mill optimisation. Energy efficient comm...
*K. Tungpalan, A. Nguyen, C. Evans, E. Manlapig, K. Nguyen
Presented at Procemin GEOMET 2019
Ore texture represents the fundamental ore properties that significantly influence processing behaviour. However, the current measurement to obtain detailed textural information is through the Q...
*G. Ballantyne
Presented at SAG Conference Vancouver, Canada September 22 – 26, 2019
Assessment of comminution energy intensity has traditionally been confined to the crusher and mill motor power consumption. However, a measure of ancillary equipment power and the embodied energy consume...
*P. Pearce, C. Gagnon, B. Klein, R. McIvor, S. Makni, F. Wang, A. Kumar
SAG Conference Vancouver, Canada September 22 – 26, 2019
The aim of the Crush It! Challenge is to accelerate transformative solutions to reduce energy usage in the mill. Natural Resources Canada supported competition...
G. Ballantyne
Assessment of comminution energy intensity has traditionally been confined to the crusher and mill motor power consumption. However, a measure of ancillary equipment power and the embodied energy consumed through media wear is required to compare disparate equipment types an...
Creating change – overcoming theCreating change – overcoming thebarriers to innovation
Holger Plath, Holger Plath, Christoph Beyer, David Kruth, Johann Knecht, Wolfgang Baum
49th Annual Conference of Metallurgists, Vancouver, Canada, August 27-30, 2017.
Although HPGR technology has been recognized since the late 1980s as a potential powerful tool f...
Brent Hilscher, Preetham Nayak, Leo Lorio, Nawoong Yoon
49th Annual Conference of Metallurgists, Vancouver, Canada, August 27-30, 2017.
Mining has been a staple to technological advancement ever since the dawn of time. By harnessing the different physical and chemical properties tha...
Dry processing of magnetic iron ores – addressing cost and environmental issues
W Skinner (1) and J R Kelly (2)
AusIMM Iron Ore 2017 Conference, Perth, Australia, 24-26 July 2017. Paper Number: 86
The Iron ore industry has reached the end of an unprecedented period of ex...
The Effect of Choke Feeding a Gyratory Crusher on Throughput and Product Size
J -F Dupont (1), J McMullen (1) and D Rose (2)
49th Annual Canadian Minerals Processors Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 2017
The Detour Lake mine is located 200 km northeast of Timmins, Ontario, Canada...
In the face of increasing energy costs, limited water resources, more stringent legislation and lower feed grades, the mining industry is searching for more sustainable technologies and practices. Metso Process Technology and Innovation (PTI) is undertaking a research project, “Improving the resour...
The mining of high-grade, narrow vein deposits is an important field of activity in the precious
metal mining sector. The principle factor that has undermined the profitability and effectiveness
of mining such ore zones is the substantial dilution that occurs when blasting with explosives
With energy costs increasing and ore grades diminishing, the role of pre-concentration in hard rock mining operations has been gaining greater interest. To maximise energy conservation, the pre-concentration process should be conducted at as coarse a grind size as possible, while minimis...
Mill filling is an important operational parameter in a SAG mill circuit and by its control and optimisation it can produce significant improvements in production capacity and energy efficiency. However, it is industry practice to report mill load as the total output given by load cells, o...
In the dry grinding industry the demand for very fine particle size distributions is increasing rapidly. At the same time a growing awareness for an economical management of our planet's resources has raised the demand for energy efficient processes.
Roller mills in general and specific...
Liners in grinding mills not only protect the mill shell from the aggressive environment inside the mill, but they also play a significant role in the efficiency of grinding. The design of mill liners dictates the charge trajectory and hence the grinding efficiency. The common approach in...
SELFRAG AG has developed a flexible pilot scale Pre-Weakening Testing Station (PWTS) using high voltage pulses (HVP). This provides a unique opportunity to investigate the machine setting conditions on ore breakage behaviour. A joint campaign was undertaken by the Julius Kruttschnitt Miner...
Declining ore grade, leading to increased material transport and plant throughout requirements, is one of the major challenges in the current mining environment. This is accompanied by rising energy and labour costs, decreasing plant productivity and the requirement for highest plant avail...
A novel technique using high voltage pulses (HVP) for ore pre-concentration has recently been reported. The technique utilises metalliferous grain-induced selective breakage and size-based screening to separate the feed ore by grade. Four copper-gold ore samples were tested to demonstrat...
Comminution is usually the heaviest energy-consuming process in the mine site. These days when efficiency concerns are becoming more and more important, developing a reliable and highly efficient way to grind and crush ore is a new field being explored by main industrial players. This pa...
The comminution of commodity particles such as ore minerals in mining and metals from recycling of slags, armoured concrete, and incinerator slags by crushing, grinding, and milling makes up the biggest single cost factor in mineral processing. In spite of a marked lack in the developmen...
In non-ferrous metal mining operations, it is generally necessary to crush and grind the ore to a very fine particle size to effectively liberate the contained mineral from the host rock. Fragmentation by blasting is the first stage of this comminution process. Numerous studies and indepen...
Over the last 30 years the average grade of ore bodies has significantly decreased while the proportion of waste removal has in many cases more than doubled. This in turn has led to a major increase in energy consumption and decrease in productivity across mining operations.
Metal preco...
The JKMRC has recently reported a novel ore pre-concentration method using high voltage electrical pulses (Part 1 of this paper). The technique utilises metalliferous grain-induced selective breakage under a controlled pulse energy input, and size-based screening to separate the feed ore i...
A novel ore pre-concentration technique using high voltage pulses is proposed in this study. The technique utilises metalliferous grain-induced selective breakage, under a controlled pulse energy loading, and size-based screening to separate the feed ore into body breakage and surface brea...
A stirred milling model, based on the concept of shear–volume power, was developed and applied to geometries typically found in mineral processing systems. Generalising this model permits its use to model more complex mill geometries, such as those describing a tapered disk mill and the Co...
Optimisation and better control of milling circuits require extensive modelling of milling data. This paper extends the enquiry to the use of the attainable region (AR) technique to determine the optimal residence time of ore in a ball mill. It also evaluates the energy requirements of the...
The total energy consumption for ore comminution will further increase within the next decades. One contribution to minimise the increase is to use more efficient comminution equipment. Vertical-roller-mills (VRM) are an energy-efficient alternative to conventional grinding technology. O...
The key themes for the 2014 Workshop were best practice and benchmarking. The workshop took place in Vancouver over a 2-day period. Each day included keynote speakers who set the scene for the participants prior to break our sessions for discussion. Keynote speaker topics included, but were not limi...
The surface chemistry and mineral liberation changes of a porphyry copper ore after high voltage pulse (HVP) electrical comminution have been investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and mineral liberation analysis (MLA). Previous studies suggest that electrical comminutio...
Achieving resource efficient production throughout the metal value is an imperative for society. This paper will discuss resource efficiency in a system integrated manner. It will highlight the role technology and its innovation as well as system optimization and its innovation as key drivers. Integ...
Traditional motors for milling technology has relied on either Wound Rotor Induction, Low Speed Synchronous Motors, or Asynchronous Induction Motors with mechanical gear reducers. A new alternative is now offered: The Low Speed Asynchronous Motor. This alternative provides the benefit of reduced com...
The demand for minerals and metals is increasing. Head grades of ore bodies are dropping. Remaining ores are becoming finer grained, more complex, and more logistically challenging. Mineral processing – in particular comminution – already consumes a huge amount of energy. But in 20 years’ time, it w...
Today the main objective of improving the process of ore dressing is toreduce energy consumption and performance of the basic rule of auxiliary enrichment processes.
One of the modern means of ore destruction with a minimum of energy consumption is the inter-particle fracturing , for example in t...
Most SAG grinding operations currently use ball size between 5.5 and 6 inch maximum size, However, in most cases the use of these ball sizes hasn't been justified by a phenomenological analysis of the real effect on the grinding process, but rather by trial and error. The analysis of the influence o...
The consumption of aggregates in civil construction has increased considerably in Brazil for the last years. The extraction of sand and gravel generates significant environmental impacts. As the quarries and sand deposits are getting exhausted near the big cities, the price of aggregates is increasi...
In recent years, DEM ( discrete element method) software, along with 3D laser measuring equipment, have become powerful tools to describe mill charge behavior, as well as forces acting on the liners of SAG mills. With the aim of contributing to streamline this application of the advanced technologie...
Volume Title: 12th Mill Operators' Conference 2014
Semi-autogenous grinding (SAG) mill control is complex and depends on many dynamic process variables. Good control strategies ensure that a mill is operating as close to optimal as possible, resulting in significant economic benefits to an operatio...
Grade control and ore/waste delineation in open pit mining operations was traditionally based on the comparison of estimated grades with an economic cutoff. In the 1990s, an alternative approach to ore selection was applied and established, taking into account financial indicators through...
Melbourne will be home to a globally significant annual mining conference as of 2014. The Victorian Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development Peter Ryan said the inaugural International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre fr...
PwC's 11th annual review of global trends in the mining industry - Mine was hosted by Chris Dodd, Melbourne Office Managing Partner in early July 2014. PwC convened a panel of industry experts to discuss the implications of realigning expectations and to examine whether 2014/15 will see the renewed...
Energy Performance Management
New Gold Inc. (New Afton Mine), located in Kamloops, British Columbia, has ISO 50001 certification and is continuously monitoring, tracking, evaluating and verifying energy performance of its gold and copper mining facilities. New Afton Mine demonstrates its commitme...