System Integrated Metal Production

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Achieving resource efficient production throughout the metal value is an imperative for society. This paper will discuss resource efficiency in a system integrated manner. It will highlight the role technology and its innovation as well as system optimization and its innovation as key drivers. Integration of water, energy and metal productions systems will be investigated and analyzed, also highlighting the use of digitalization methodologies (e.g. simulation, process control, environmental footprinting, life cycle costing, etc.) to achieve this. Also key to these discussions is among others training of young talent, stimulating innovation at university (also through massive open online courses) and engagement in policy discussions. Examples shown will be based on a wide range of base metal recovery and production while integrating water and energy recovery solutions with the aforementioned. Ultimately we as an industry must show that we know what our resource efficiency baseline is and show how crucial we are to producing the metals and materials that are enabling a resource efficient society. This paper will show how this can be achieved.


M. Reuter; Technology Management, Outotec, Espoo, Finland
