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The Impact of Media Embodied Carbon Emissions on Regrind Technology Selection Bianca Foggiatto (1), Jocelyn Quinteros (1), Grant Ballantyne (1), Sam Crane (1), and Sergio Lagos (2) Ausenco Services, Australia  Ausenco, Chile *This paper was presented at Procemin-Geomet 2022 Conference, 5-7 O...
Developing an Advanced Throughput Forecast Model for Minera Los Pelambres *L. Rodriguez 1, M. Morales 1, W. Valery 2, R. Valle 2, R. Hayashida 2, B. Bonfils 2, C. Plasencia 2 Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals S.A. Av. Apoquindo 4001, Piso 18, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile Hatch Pty Ltd 6...
Real-Time Estimation of SAG Mill Charge Characteristics for Process Optimization *P. Toor1, W. Valery1, S. Morrell2, K. Duffy1 Hatch 61 Petrie Terrace. Brisbane, QLD, 4000, Australia SMC Testing, Kenmore Hills, QLD, 4069, Australia (*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)*This paper was...
Review and Upgrade of the Throughput Forecast Model of Minera Los Pelambres Francisco Abbott1, Liduvina Rodriguez1, Michel Morales1, Walter Valery2, Roberto Valle3, Rodrigo Hayashida4, Benjamin Bonfils2, Kristy-Ann Duffy2 and Claudia Plasencia3 Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile...
The Novel EDS Multishaft Mill – A Case Study B.E. Friedlanda*, T. Chenjeb, C.K. Oberholzera Energy & Densification Systems, Bryanston, Johannesburg 2191, South Africa Anglo American – Technology Development, Brisbane City, QLD 4000, Australia *Corresponding author email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it....
SAG Mill Stability and Control Improvements at the Nova Nickel-Copper Operation G Gomes-Sebastiaõ1 and P Hudson21. Executive Director, Improve IO Pty Ltd, 5/74 Kent Way, Malaga, WA, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 2. Senior Metallurgist, IGO Nova Pty Ltd, 85 South Perth Esplanade, WA, paul.hudson@igo.c...
DETERMINING WATER LOSS IN MINERAL PROCESSING - A THERMODYNAMIC APPROACH Peter Radziszewski Rampart Detection Systems   ABSTRACT With increasing competition for water resources and the potential impact on the environment, the mining industry’s focus as expanded to include water in addition...
Will AG Milling Make A Comeback? *M. S. Powell1, A. N. Mainza2, L. M. Tavares3, M. Yahyaei4, D. K. Weatherley4, A. Vien5, M. Mular5, &G. R. Ballantyne6 1 Liner Design Services, 241 Jesmond Rd, Fig Tree Pocket, 4069, Queensland, Australia 2 Centre for Minerals Research (CMR), Dept of...
Semi-analytical modelling of a multi-shaft mill Carlos Les (a),∗, James M. Finley (a), Boaz Friedland (b) a) Element Digital Engineering, United Kingdom b) Energy and Densification Systems (EDS), Johannesburg, South Africa *This paper was presented at MEi Communution 23 Conference held...
Shelley, Davies, Olivier and Atta Danso ABSTRACT This paper reflects on how measurements from inside an operating SAG mill might be used to better understand throughput, mill wear and energy dissipation within the mill. The paper discusses how the measurements might influence and enhance approach...
Radford, Lovatt, Putland, Becker Presented at the AusIMM Mill Operators Conference June 2021 ABSTRACT The Gruyere Gold Project was discovered by Gold Road Resources Limited in October 2013 on the Yamarna Belt 200km east of Laverton in Western Australia. The Feasibility Study for Gruyere, which wa...
Edmunds, Wilkens, Akerstrom, Haines Presented at the AusIMM Mill Operators Conference June 2021 ABSTRACT The Ridgeway Concentrator at Newcrest Cadia was commissioned in 2002 as an ABC circuit to treat the ore from the Ridgeway sublevel cave (SLC) at around 5MTPA. Consisting of a single pinion 32’...
Powell, Yahyaei, Mainza, Tavares Presented at the AusIMM Mill Operators Conference Brisbane, Australia 23 - 25 June 2021 ABSTRACT Maintaining the work balance between the primary SAG mill and secondary ball mill(s) is an overlooked bottleneck, and thus opportunity, in an increasing number of circ...
Paz, Ypelaan, Ryan, McInnes Presented at the AusIMM Mill Operators Conference June 2021 ABSTRACT The Anglo Gold Ashanti (AGA) Sunrise Dam Gold Recovery Enhancement Project (REP) was an upgrade project to the existing process plant to increase gold recovery. The project required the existing scree...
Oblokulov, Green, Van Der Spuy, Becker Presented at the AusIMM Mill Operators Conference June 2021 ABSTRACT One of the blessings associated with operating a modern metallurgical facility is the multitude of technologies, techniques and processes available to improve and optimise circuits. Circuit...
Ballantyne, Foggiatto, Staples, Lane Presented at the AusIMM Mill Operators Conference June 2021 ABSTRACT Vertical stirred mills are more frequently being applied at coarser grinding duties as a replacement for ball milling. This trend is being driven by reductions in footprint and operating cost...
*P. Shelley, I. Molina, D. Patsikatheodorou Presented at Procemin GEOMET 2019 ABSTRACT The paper shows how measurements from inside an operating SAG mill are now a reality. The paper discusses how the measurements might affect and enhance energy efficient mill optimisation. Energy efficient comm...
T.Vizcarra, B. Wong Presented at SAG Conference Vancouver, Canada September 22 – 26, 2019 ABSTRACT JKTech has completed a comparative testing program of Bond tests as an addition to its “round-robin” quality control program for JK Drop Weight (JKDW) and SMC tests. Over seventy Bond tests of repr...
M. Bueno, B. Foggiatto, G. Lane SAG Conference Vancouver, Canada September 22 – 26, 2019 ABSTRACT This paper presents an assessment and trade-off study of high-pressure grinding rolls (HPGR)-based vs. autogenous grinding (AG)-based milling options for a 65 kt/d copper/gold project. The study rel...
B Putland & R Sciberras SAG Conference Vancouver, Canada September 22 – 26, 2019 ABSTRACT Many ore bodies are getting harder, more abrasive, and lower in grade. One of the issues designers face is minimizing capital and operating costs when treating such ores. Designers often look to secondar...
*P. Pearce, C. Gagnon, B. Klein, R. McIvor, S. Makni, F. Wang, A. Kumar SAG Conference Vancouver, Canada September 22 – 26, 2019 ABSTRACT The aim of the Crush It! Challenge is to accelerate transformative solutions to reduce energy usage in the mill. Natural Resources Canada supported competition...
M Powell, C Bozbay, S Kanchibotla, B Bonfils, A Musunuri, V Jokovic, M Hilden, J Young, E Yalcin SAG Conference Vancouver, Canada September 22 – 26, 2019 ABSTRACT In expanding the mine to process considerably more competent ore sources, this semi-autogenous-ball mill-crusher (SABC) circuit with a...
G. Ballantyne, A. Giblett SAG Conference Vancouver, Canada September 22 – 26, 2019 ABSTRACT Newmont has a demonstrated history as a leading investor in comminution technology developments. Most notably the cornerstone high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) demonstration plant at the Lone Tree operat...
R Butar, M Becker, B Putland, I Lovatt, F Kock SAG Conference Vancouver, Canada September 22 – 26, 2019 ABSTRACT Continuous improvement is a major key performance indicator (KPI) for many metallurgical operations. Improvement never happens by itself and is rarely attributed to a single party or p...
T. Robinson, B. Widdows and J. Rosenberg MetPlant 2019, September 9-10, Perth, Australia POSTER ABSTRACT Increasing mill availability is a key improvement to the productivity of most mine sites. Mills are often running at maximum capacity, consequently any downtime reduces the mine output. O...
B PUTLAND, I LOVATT, A CERVELLIN AND D SCHWANN 14thAusIMM Mill Operators’ Conference, 29-31 August 2018, Brisbane, Australia Australia The Mount Carlton project in Queensland's North East sits on a high-sulphidation epithermal style deposit rich in gold, copper and silver. Mt Carlton is an open...