Conference Papers

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Conference Papers

The Future of Comminution Workshop Program  View the program for The Future of Comminution workshop, 30 March 2025 in Cape Town, South Africa. 
Water supply, reuse and recycling - how geology and geography affect choices Laurie Reemeyer (P.Eng.) Principal Consultant, Resourceful Paths Large Left Lateral Leaps for Environmental Professionals: Sustainable Water Stewardship American Exploration & Mining Association (AEMA), 2024 Annual...
PIONEERING COARSE PARTICLE FLOTATION – TRANSFORMATIVE INSIGHTS FROM FIVE YEARS OF OPERATION C. Haines1*, L. Vollert2, W. Downie3, I. Heath4, R Ghattas 5 1Superintendent – Metallurgy, Newmont Cadia Operation, New South Wales, Australia (*Presenting author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)2Principal Met...
The Impact of Media Embodied Carbon Emissions on Regrind Technology Selection Bianca Foggiatto (1), Jocelyn Quinteros (1), Grant Ballantyne (1), Sam Crane (1), and Sergio Lagos (2) Ausenco Services, Australia  Ausenco, Chile *This paper was presented at Procemin-Geomet 2022 Conference, 5-7 O...
Review and Optimization of the Hudbay Constancia Comminution Circuit *M. Medina1, G. Sotomayor1, V. Manchego1, J. Bonilla1, W. Valery2, R. Valle2, K. Duffy2, E. Wang2, C. Plasencia2 Hudbay Perú SAC, Hudbay Minerals Av. Jorge Chávez 235 Dpto 701, Lima, Lima 18 Hatch Pty Ltd. 61 Petrie Terrace, B...
Mine to Flotation Process Optimization at Chinalco Toromocho OperationDai Fangrong1, Dong Yang1, Alfonso Muñoz1, Walter Valery2, Roberto Valle3, Erico Tabosa2, Joyce Siong2 and Claudia Plasencia3 Minera Chinalco, Peru Hatch, Australia Hatch, Peru *This paper was presented at Procemin-Geomet...
Developing an Advanced Throughput Forecast Model for Minera Los Pelambres *L. Rodriguez 1, M. Morales 1, W. Valery 2, R. Valle 2, R. Hayashida 2, B. Bonfils 2, C. Plasencia 2 Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals S.A. Av. Apoquindo 4001, Piso 18, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile Hatch Pty Ltd 6...
Real-Time Estimation of SAG Mill Charge Characteristics for Process Optimization *P. Toor1, W. Valery1, S. Morrell2, K. Duffy1 Hatch 61 Petrie Terrace. Brisbane, QLD, 4000, Australia SMC Testing, Kenmore Hills, QLD, 4069, Australia (*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)*This paper was...
The Intersection of Mining and Decarbonisation: Challenges and Opportunities C Meinke1, L Jackson2, K Erwin3, R Chandramohan4 Operations Optimisation, Senior Process Consultant Ausenco, 401 9th Ave Suite 1430 Calgary AB , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Operations Optimisation, Process Consultant, Au...
Energy Savings and Carbon Footprint Reduction - Jameson vs Conventional Copper Concentrator CAnderson 1, G Csicsovszki 2, S Crane 3, and G Ballantyne 4 Glencore Technology, Senior Metallurgist, 180 Ann St, Brisbane Qld 4000, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Glencore Technology, Principal Metallu...
SAG Mill Stability and Control Improvements at the Nova Nickel-Copper Operation G Gomes-Sebastiaõ1 and P Hudson21. Executive Director, Improve IO Pty Ltd, 5/74 Kent Way, Malaga, WA, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 2. Senior Metallurgist, IGO Nova Pty Ltd, 85 South Perth Esplanade, WA, paul.hudson@igo.c...
Pinto Valley Mine, Copper Recovery Study with the Novacell™ S Morgan1, P Amelunxen2, B Akerstrom3 and L Cooper41. Technology Manager - NovaCell, Jord International Pty Limited, 40 Oxley Street, St Leonards, NSW, 2065, Australia. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Senior Vice President – Technical Service...
Commercialisation Pathway for Low Energy Gyratory Rolls Crusher Technology M Drechsler1, W Skinner2 1. Mark Drechsler, Director, CBSM Mining Services Pty Ltd, Adelaide SA 5167, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 2. William Skinner, Research Professor, Future Industries Institute, University of South Australia, M...
Pre-concentration by screening - a cost-effective approach to testing and evaluation N Clarke1 and A Barros2 1. Principal Consultant, Imtech Pty Ltd, Perth WA 6009. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 2. Professional Senior de Metalurgia, Minera de Cobre Quebradona, Medellin, Colombia. Email: abarros@An...
Semi-analytical modelling of a multi-shaft mill Carlos Les (a),∗, James M. Finley (a), Boaz Friedland (b) a) Element Digital Engineering, United Kingdom b) Energy and Densification Systems (EDS), Johannesburg, South Africa *This paper was presented at MEi Communution 23 Conference held...
Pre-Concentration – More than Bulk Ore Sorting L Pyle1, W Valery2, P Holtham3 and K Duffy4 1. Minerals Processing Engineer, Hatch, Brisbane, Qld, 4000. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Global Director–Consulting and Technology, Hatch, Brisbane, Qld, 4000. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3. Senio...
Innovations in Comminution    Greg Lane, Chief Technical Officer, Ausenco  Grant Ballantyne, Director Technical Solutions, Ausenco  Bianca Foggiatto, Director Comminution & Processing, Ausenco   Watch Full Webinar here    Agenda 1. Why focus on comminu...
Sustainable Production of Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide (EMD) Mbuyu Ntunka1,2 and Brian Loveday1 1Discipline of Chemical Engineering, Howard College Campus, University of KwaZuluNatal, Durban 4001, South Africa 2Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of The Built Environment, Durban Univers...
Exploring the Connection Between Elemental Sulphur and Sulphide Minerals During Stage A Conditions – Design of Experiments H. Kim, O. Kökkılıç, F. Rosenblum, K.E. Waters* Authors: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. * Corresponding author: Kristian.wate...
Recovery of oxalic acid from hydrochloric acid by solvent extraction Reza Aref Sami Virolainen2 LUT University, School of Engineering Science, Department of Separation Science, Yliopistonkatu 34, FI−53850 Lappeenranta, Finland 2 LUT University, School of Engineering Science, Department of Separa...
Application of soda sludge in the preparation of cement  1 clinker 2 Xianjun Lyu1*, Qiang Wang2, Qing Liu3, Xiao Liu4, Wentao Zhou5 1. College of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, China. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; phone number: +86 13589...
Effects of ultrasound on the electrochemical cementation of copper onto iron Mohamed Aâtach1*, Miguel Antunes Simão1, and Stoyan Gaydardzhiev1 1 GeMMe – Minerals Engineering and Recycling, University of Liege, Allée de la Découverte 9, Sart-Tilman B52/3, 4000 Liege, Belgium ; mohamed.aatach@uliege....
Guidelines for Transporting and Stacking Dewatered Tailings Author: Christopher S. Olsen FLSmidth Application Specialist in Mining Salt Lake City, Utah, USA This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The handling and stacking of dewatered tailings can be handled with either ground haulage vehicles or with bel...
Zeolite synthesis from Coal Fly Ash and its application to heavy metals remediation from water contaminated with Pb, Cu, Zn and Ni ions Sofi Buzukashvilia, Roberto Sommervilleb, Weiqing Hua, Ozan Kökkılıça, Philippe Ouzilleaua, Neil A. Rowsonc , Kristian E. Watersa* aDepartment of Mining and Mater...
Challenges of closing water loops at mineral processing sites Paper Draft for Sustainable Minerals ‘23 Conference Falmouth, Cornwall, UK | June 7-9, 2023 Diana Kasymova 1,2,*, Eija Saari 1, Kari Heiskanen 1, Benjamin Musuku 2,3, Olli Dahl 2 1 Metso Outotec 2 Aalto University 3 Boliden Kevitsa...
Modelling High Pressure Dewatering Rolls for Mineral Tailings Nilanka Ekanayakea,b,∗, Sajid Hassana,b, Peter Scalesa,b, Robin Batterhama,b and Anthony Sticklanda,b,∗∗  aThe Department of Chemical Engineering, Parkville, Melbourne, 2200, Australia bARC Centre of Excellence on Eco-Efficient Be...