The official Photographs from the 2013 CEEC Medal presentation event

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[caption id="attachment_2384" align="aligncenter" width="700"]The CEEC Medal The CEEC Medal[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_2373" align="aligncenter" width="700"]Winning Authors: (NB O Mejia absent) Winning Authors: L-R Klein, Wang Nadolski, Drozdiak (NB O Mejia absent)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2381" align="aligncenter" width="700"]_BMP8235 Team work: Klein -UBC; Connaughton - Huckleberry Mines; Wang; Zeller - BC Hydro; Drozdiak; Nadolski; Thompson Huckleberry Mines[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_2369" align="aligncenter" width="700"]_BMP8212 L-R S Boucaut-CEEC; Drozdiak; Nadolski; The Honorable D Nikolejsin BC Energy and Mines; klein; Wang; E Lewis-Gray-CEEC[/caption]


Extract from Press Release


Canada’s finest recognize CEEC Medal winners


A paper presented at the 45th Annual Canadian Mineral Processors Operators Conference in Ottoawa Canada this year has received the 2013 CEEC Medal. C. Wang, S. Nadolski, O. Mejia, J. Drozdiak, B. Klein co-authored the paper titled “Energy and Cost Comparisons of HPGR based circuits with the SABC circuit installed at the Huckleberry Mine”. This paper summarizes a comprehensive energy and cost study comparing an existing SAG mill based circuit at Huckleberry Mine with two proposed circuits involving comminution technologies which are associated with energy efficiency;  high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) and high speed stirred mills. It was concluded that the energy reduction for the new flowsheets significantly improved the economics of the Huckleberry comminution duty.


"Congratulations to Fisher Wang, Stefan Nadolski, Olav Mejia, Jeff Drozdiak and Bern Klein on their excellent work. The business of energy efficiency in grinding and crushing is a global issue and we are delighted that the authors of the prestigious 2013 CEEC Medal produced their outstanding paper as a result of an industry first;  collaboration between BC Hydro , University of British Columbia and the mine operator Huckleberry Mines. The 2013 Medal recipients are based in North America, specifically in Vancouver, and they join previous CEEC Medal recipients based in Peru, Chile and Australia." said CEEC Chair, Elizabeth Lewis-Gray.


The 2013 Medal was awarded in Vancouver, British Columbia to a gathering of industry leaders including; Barrick, SKR Consulting, Hatch, KGHM, Tetra Tech, New Gold, AMEC, BC Hydro, UBC, Huckleberry Mines, Gekko Systems, Ausenco, Outotec, Weir Minerals and Xstrata Technology. Over 60 guests applauded as The Right Honorable Dave Nikolejsin, Deputy Minister for Energy and Mines, presented the Medals to the winners. Ausenco generously hosted the event at its Vancouver offices.


The CEEC Medal

The CEEC Medal is a global award intended to recognise and celebrate the contribution of outstanding published papers, articles or case studies profiling beneficial strategies for eco-efficient comminution.  CEEC launched the Medal in November 2011 and the worthy 2012 recipients were Rybinski, E., Ghersi, J., Davila, F., Linares J., Valery, W., Jankovic, A., Valle, R., Dikmen S., for their paper “Optimisation and Continuous improvement of the Antamina Comminution Circuit  (2011)” Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Autogenous and Semi-Autogenous Grinding Technology (SAG2011).


In 2013, over 10 papers were nominated - an excellent result as publication or presentation of a paper within the past 12 months is a condition of nomination for this prestigious Medal. The Medal review committee is led by CEEC Director Dr Zeljka Pokrajcic, Principal Process Engineer with WorleyParsons. The committee evaluates all nominated papers on the basis of the paper’s potential to improve energy efficiency, the ability for the concepts to be readily adapted to operating plants or incorporated in the design of new circuits, that the results are robust and believable, and finally, whether or not the paper communicates its ideas clearly and effectively. The Medal committee recommends the annual recipient to CEEC’s Board of Directors for its approval.


CEEC is a not-for-profit company funded by sponsorship from the mineral industry itself, whose mission is to accelerate knowledge and technology transfer in the field of energy-efficient comminution (crushing and grinding).  CEEC aims to raise awareness of beneficial alternative comminution strategies with the objective of improving earnings, achieving lower processing costs and gaining energy efficiencies in the mining sector. CEEC has the patronage of Nick Holland, CEO of Gold Fields Ltd and Owen Hegarty, of G-Resources Group Ltd.





