A Giblett and B Putland
14thAusIMM Mill Operators’ Conference, 29-31 August 2018, Brisbane, Australia
This paper provides a simple guiding framework for grinding circuit optimisation, focussing on common
themes in past optimisation success stories, the conditions for success and techniques that can be
employed to identify and define opportunities. Many significant grinding circuit improvements have been
reported for operating plants, based on recurring themes such as the optimisation of mill feed size, mill liner
design, process control, critical size, grinding media and classification. The paper condenses these
experiences into a set of simple questions for the operator to ask, and provides guidance towards identifying
and achieving the optimisation goals.
A Giblett (1) and B Putland (2)
- FAusIMM, Senior Technical Advisor – Mineral Processing, Newmont Mining Services, Subiaco WA, 6008. Email:
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- Principal Metallurgist Orway Mineral Consultants, Perth WA.
CEEC acknowledges and thanks The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy for organising the 14thAusIMM Mill Operators’ Conference (MillOps 2018).
Abstracts can be found at the MillOps 2018 website.