

Spherical grinding media (balls) are the most widely used media for comminution of ores by grinding. One way to optimize the grinding process in a tumbling mill is associated with the development and testing of a new media shape. by modelling simulations study of the behavior of two types of grin...
The Mine to Mill course identifies the changes to practice required to optimise performance in blasting and comminution to maximise profitability and energy efficiency. February 2015 | Denver, Colorado 9-11 July 2015 | Zambia October 2015 | Chile  
Most SAG grinding operations currently use ball size between 5.5 and 6 inch maximum size, However, in most cases the use of these ball sizes hasn't been justified by a phenomenological analysis of the real effect on the grinding process, but rather by trial and error. The analysis of the influence o...
The consumption of aggregates in civil construction has increased considerably in Brazil for the last years. The extraction of sand and gravel generates significant environmental impacts. As the quarries and sand deposits are getting exhausted near the big cities, the price of aggregates is increasi...
In recent years, DEM ( discrete element method) software, along with 3D laser measuring equipment, have become powerful tools to describe mill charge behavior, as well as forces acting on the liners of SAG mills. With the aim of contributing to streamline this application of the advanced technologie...
EEO program Industry: Mining, minerals processing Key driver for optimisation: Productivity Improvement Focus: Process control Location: Laverton, Western Australia Product(s): Gold Cost to implement: NA Annual Savings: NA Payback Period: NA Employees: 500 Energy sources: natura...
Industry: Mining, minerals processing Key driver for optimisation: Productivity Improvement Focus: Process control Location: Laverton, Western Australia Product(s): Gold Cost to implement: NA Annual Savings: NA Payback Period: NA Employees: 500 Energy sources: natural gas and diese...
Case Study Snapshot Industry: Mining Energy Management System (EnMS) guidance/standard: CAN/CSA-ISO 50001 Key driver for EnMS: Cost reduction Improvement focus: Energy efficiency for mine production and operations Location: New Afton Mine, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada Product(s): Gold an...
The search for energy efficient technologies for comminution processes is constant in mineral processing studies, since those processes represent a major percentage of operational costs. In this context the sue of stirred mills is increasing, especially for ultrafine grinding. Although many authors...
Volume Title: 12th Mill Operators' Conference 2014 Semi-autogenous grinding (SAG) mill control is complex and depends on many dynamic process variables. Good control strategies ensure that a mill is operating as close to optimal as possible, resulting in significant economic benefits to an operatio...
Volume Title: 12th Mill Operators' Conference 2014 The Masbate gold deposits are situated on the island of Masbate, 350 km south of Manila. A new plant was commissioned in April 2009. The grinding circuit consists of one semi-autogenous (SAG) mill Ø9.75 m × 4.27 m, two ball mills Ø5.6 m × 7.1 m and...
Volume Title: 12th Mill Operators' Conference 2014 A comprehensive Australia-wide survey of comminution energy consumption at copper and gold mines was presented by the authors at the 11th AusIMM Mill Operators’ Conference 2012. The database has been extended to include major overseas mines and use...
Industry leaders gathered recently in Vancouver to pick up the baton from the 2012 CEEC Workshop team. The theme for the 2014 CEEC Workshop was Best Practice; identified in 2012 as an immediate pathway to energy efficiency and cost savings. The team gathered for introductions; in some cases a cha...
Abstract Ore sorting technology represents a step-change improvement in eco-efficient comminution strategies. Sorting equipment offers the benefit of greatly reducing the comminution energy required per tonne of mineral processed by identifying stones that contain ore and separating them from sto...
Andean countries (Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina) have 42 semi-autogenous mills (SAG) in operation and there are more than 30 projects in the pipeline that consider SAG mills. At the end of the next decade, the total amount of SAG mills in this area will likely be close to 100. There is a lot...
The Integrated Extraction Simulator (IES) is the result of a substantial commitment by CRC ORE to produce a next-generation mining simulator that integrates all mining and mineral processing activities starting from drill & blast and proceeding through the entire mining value chain to the end of...
Grant Ballantyne is a South African born Australian.  He graduated with first class honours from the University of Queensland with a bachelor of Engineering majoring in Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy in 2007.  And recently he completed a Doctorate in Philosophy at the Julius Kruttschnitt Minera...
Reproduced from the Heads Up CIPEC news, May 2014 Vol. XVIII, No. 5. "Comminution, as the major energy user in mineral processing, is responsible for the majority of processing costs at a mine,” says Sarah Bocaut, Executive Officer of the Coalition for Energy Efficient Comminution (CEEC) based in...
A method for determining the minimum practical energy for comminution was developed and is presented in this paper. An objective of the method was to determine experimentally the energy-breakage relationship for a wide size range in order to evaluate the energy performance of both crushing and grind...
24th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey,  hosted by  UCTEA Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey. "It is our proud privilege and honor to extend a very warm and cordial invitation to all of you to attend the 24th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey from 14th...
The 6th International Conference on Semi-Autogenous and High Pressure Grinding Technology (SAG 2015) will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, on September 20th to September 24th, 2015. The organizing committee are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract for the upcoming SAG 2015 conf...
As of February 9th, 2014, over 813 abstracts have been approved for this year's IMPC! The Australians and Chinese led with their number of submissions, in a field of 47 countries: a truly international gathering of minds. Comminution efficiency has 40 dedicated papers - an exciting result. In add...
CEEC director Dr Mary Stewart recently presented a profile on energy efficiency in comminution at the Forum on Doubling Energy Productivity held in Sydney in April 2014. The program included focus on consumer and industrial productivity opportunities including a dedicated mining  and agriculture ses...
Comminution 2014 The keynote presentation at Comminution 2014 was delivered by prof Tim Napier-Munn, a founding CEEC director. Prof Napier-Munn is a mineral engineer with degrees from Imperial College, London and the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. He has spent his +40-year career...
[caption id="attachment_3305" align="alignright" width="150"] Dr Fuerstenau[/caption] This is the title of Dr. Douglas W. Fuerstenau's key note address at the International Minerals Engineering Congress, to be held in Mexico later this year. Dr Fuerstenau is the P. Malozemoff Professor Emeritus a...
        [caption id="attachment_3432" align="aligncenter" width="599"] Mike Battersby and Tim Napier-Munn at Comminution 2014[/caption]   Thanks to all the sponsors for supporting Comminution 2014: a very well attended meeting. Some of the delegates gather...
The Southern African Institute of Mining & Metallurgy Western Cape Branch presents: MINPROC 2014  7-8 August 2014 LORD CHARLES HOTEL, SOMERSET WEST incorporating a Workshop on 6 August 2014:  Opportunities to improve energy efficiency and processes Submission of Conference Abstracts: 9...
As previously reported, the Global Mining Standards Group now includes a working group developing standards for industrial comminution efficiency. The group gathered in Salt Lake City in February 2014 to define their goals and strategies. Key assumptions: 1. The objective of their work is to f...
This topic was addressed by Milla Craig from Deloitte Canada's team at the Quebec Mines meeting in November 2013. "While sustainability initiatives seek to provide solutions to the environmental and social impacts of the mining sector, one too often forgets (or ignores) the economic and financial...
JON ALLEN (METSO MINING AND CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY) gave the Quebec Mines 2013 delegates Metso's view on mill design and applications, as well as an update on work with JKMRC. "Rising energy costs, requirements to minimize energy consumption, and a commitment to sustainable solutions in the mine...
MICHEL BRISSETTE AND JOHN STARKEY (STARKEY & ASSOCIATES) reported on the step change possible in comminution efficiency when comminution is coupled with an innovative technology at Quebec Mines 2013. "In recent years, the mining industry has shifted toward mining orebodies with decreasing gra...
Another report from Quebec Mines conference, this time by GREG RASMUSSEN (XT) IsaMill technology was developed from the stirred milling  technology of  Netzsch  Feinmahltechnik GmbH in the 1990’s for use in the fine grained lead zinc ore bodies of Northern Australia in a drive to bring about a st...
CEEC is participating in Mines and Money Hong Kong, bringing the CEEC message of improved shareholder value from improved comminution strategies to  hundreds of mining companies in a 270-booth exhibition. [caption id="attachment_3188" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Lt- Rt Tom Hunter Outotec, Ek...
18 March 2014 Although the industry works in a competitive world, some challenges need to be faced together, writes Paul Dowd, Non-Executive Director, Oz Minerals. It’s a well-known maxim in most industries that whatever competitive advantage one company thinks it may have at any poi...
The Phoenix secondary crusher installation has been successful with grinding energy consumption decreased significantly (15-20%)  against a modest increase in crushing energy. Phoenix is a fascinating case study as the approach taken is different to what has typically been done and what is recommend...
CRC ORE aims to improve the productivity of mining operations by working with the industry to apply system-based analysis methods to increase unit metal productivity. This work has resulted in an integrated operational solution and system-value approach built around Grade Engineering®. This con...
The CEEC Medal celebrates and recognises the contribution of outstanding research and field work on beneficial strategies for eco-efficient comminution, as stated in CEEC’s Mission and Objective. The Medal is awarded annually to the author/s of the most outstanding published paper, article or case s...
A large gathering of industry executives from around the world sat down to dinner in the Grand Salon of the Grand America Hotel, Salt Lake City to witness the celebration of the first inductees into the International Mining Technology Hall of Fame ( Following a drinks receptio...
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy: 100 Years of Innovation presents more than a century of innovation drivers that have advanced the mineral processing industry. Trends, developments, and improvements are discussed in depth, and likely areas for future innovations are explored. Edited...
The Global Mining Standards and Guideline group (GMSG) formed a new working group called the Working Group on “A Standard for Industrial Comminution Efficiency” in 2013. The group is headed by CEEC advocate Robert E. McIvor, who has devoted his career to the design and improvement of the processing...
The team at Metcom Technologies have just released their latest Grinding Bulletin, describing "Work Index" and its correct application. Click here to see the February 2014 Grinding Bulletin. Metcom is the world leader in training and knowledge transfer in mineral grinding circuits. They offer com...
CEEC's team is always on the look out for insight into ways accelerate the adoption of new technology, new  flow sheets and improved results. the following article by Kay Sever resonated strongly: does it apply in your work place? Early rockets were designed with two stages - one with the power to...