New developments and optimization of Wu Shan Phase I SABC comminution circuit: A systematic approach

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SABC circuits have gained widespread attention within China, and are being gradually applied to many mines. However the domestic knowledge of commintion process is still relatively basic, and the design and production management of the application of SABC technology lack guidance of scientific theories. This research project focuses on the Phase I SABC milling circuits of Wu Shan Porphyry copper mine. Targeting the design and operation problems of the existing process and circuit, and without increased investment and alternations in equipment, the new technologies will combine ordinary crushing and grinding theories as theoretical guidance, and borrow JK Simulation Software (JKSimMet) for analysis in order to optimize the comminution process, efficiently allocate production output  and energy consumption, eventually resulting in increased production and energy efficiency. Using JKSmiMet Simulations Software, and combining theoretical optimizing and practical production techniques, as well as the on-site situation, the eventual SABC comminution process and circuit optimization plan is : increasing the grinding Ball charge from 8% to 10%v/v in the SAG mill; setting the Ball charge in the Ball mill to 27%v/v and the maximum operating power draw to 5,800 kW; replacing the HP Series crusher with a TRIO TC84 crusher, which is without a power controller, and adding a pebble bin. The final optimization result is : Maximum system processing capacity increased between 20-26.7%, specific energy consumption reduced by more 2.0kWh/t, creating an economic benefit of over 300 million RMB, thus achieving the goal of increased production, reduced energy consumption ad improved profitability.


