Potencial and Impact of Sensor Based Sorting on the Grinding Circuit Performance for a Polymetallic Ore - Presentation

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PRESENTATION - Potencial and Impact of Sensor Based Sorting on the Grinding Circuit Performance for a Polymetallic Ore

Priscila M. Esteves1*, Lucas Monteiro Correa e Lopes2, Pablo dos Santos Pina2, Wellington Gomes3, Thiago Jatobá3

¹ Steinert Latinoamericana, Pedro Leopoldo, Brazil

²Nexa Resources, Aripuanã, Brazil

³MinPro, São Paulo, Brazil

*This paper was presented at MEi Communution 23 Conference held 17-20 April 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa. To view the presenation, select download file below. A full copy of the paper can be downloaded via this link. 


  • Integrated assessment of preconcentration effects on grinding circuit
  • Improved energy and water usage by coarse gangue rejection with SBS
  • Reduction on tailings generation by preconcentration with SBS
