Potential and impact of sensor based sorting on the grinding circuit performance for a polymetallic ore

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Potential and impact of sensor based sorting on the grinding circuit performance for a polymetallic ore

Priscila M. Esteves1*, Lucas Monteiro Correa e Lopes2, Pablo dos Santos Pina2,  Wellington Gomes3, Thiago Jatobá3

  1. Steinert Latinoamericana, Pedro Leopoldo, Brazil
  2. Nexa Resources, Aripuanã, Brazil 
  3. MinPro, São Paulo, Brazil

* This paper was presentated at Comminution '23 held 17-20 April 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa


• Integrated assessment of preconcentration effects on grinding circuit

• Improved energy and water usage by coarse gangue rejection with SBS

• Reduction on tailings generation by preconcentration with SBS


A comprehensive study was carried out for a polymetallic ore, with the aim of generating a better understanding about how preconcentration impacts the grinding circuit of the Aripuanã Project, located in Brazil. Sensor-based sorting (SBS) test work was performed according to the step methodology and the generated samples were assayed and submitted to Drop Weight Test (DWT) and Bond Work Index (BWi). The results indicate representative differences on elemental composition, breakage behavior and P80. A 50% mass rejection was achieved at 98% recoveries for Zn and Pb and the measured BWi and Axb indicate that high grade material tends to be representatively softer than gangue. Finally, process simulation with the JKSimMet was used to quantify how SAG and Ball mill throughput and energy consumption can be affected by the addition of a preconcentration stage.

KEYWORDS: Sensor-based-sorting, Pre-concentration, Test work, Bond Work Index, Drop Weight Test, Energy efficiency. 
