Solid-liquid separation in filter presses: A sustainable design and optimization of multi-scale processes through digitalization

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Solid-liquid separation in filter presses: A sustainable design and optimization of multi-scale processes through digitalization

Helene Katharina Baust, Bernd Fr¨ankle, Hermann Nirschl, Marco Gleiss

a Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics (MVM), Strasseam Forum 8, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

Abstract: Process engineering faces a transformation toward resource-efficient production. In addition to the development of new processes and plants, this also includes the optimal operation of existing production plants to ensure efficient use of energy and materials and to guarantee consistently high product quality, even if the process behavior changes. For this challenge, the use of resolved simulation and real-time models is essential.The focus of this presentation is on filter presses.Their design is based on analytical models and the experience of the manufacturer. Dynamic processes are not considered, which enforces expensive pilot-scale experiments for scale-up. The presented method fully considers the multi-scale nature of separation processes. Simplel aboratory experiments form the basis and provide appropriate material functions. CFD simulations allow to investigate the hydrodynamic interaction of solid and liquid phase during aseparation process. Digital twins support the design of filter presses and the scale-up to industrial scale.

Keywords: Filter presses, solid-liquid-separation, resolved simulation, CFD
