HPGR in the Grinding Circuit of Phosphate Concentrator

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Reduction of energy consumption at Jhamarkotra Phosphate concentrator of M/s Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals Ltd was achieved in three stages (1) stabilizing the through put as per the norms of the detailed feasibility report of the project to achieve energy consumption to 53 - 56 kWh per ton of ore treated (2) increasing the through put of flotation circuit to double, utilizing in built additional capacity there by reducing energy consumption to 49 – 50.44 kWh per ton of ore treated  (3) retrofitting Roller Press in the grinding circuit there by doubling the plant capacity from 1500 TPD to 3000 TPD to achieve weighted average of energy consumption to 33.68 kWh per ton during the period 2003 to 2012.

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