OMC Power-Based Comminution Calculations for Design, Modelling and Circuit Optimization

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Orway Mineral Consultants Ltd (OMC) as a consultancy has specialized in comminution circuit design for over 30 years. The OMC Power Model is OMC’s in-house software for specific grinding energy power-based circuit calculations. The model uses ore hardness parameters from testwork, circuit configuration, equipment geometry and operating conditions as inputs. The model combines proprietary and published power models to predict the total specific energy and the specific energy for each of the components of the comminution circuit. This makes the software a valuable tool for the design and validation of JKSimMet modelling or actual plant performance. Proprietary calculations have been developed and reconciled with over 100 plant benchmark projects encompassing a variety of comminution circuit configurations.

This paper describes the OMC approach for determining power requirements for the design of grinding circuits. The accuracy of the OMC Power Model software is confirmed through plant survey benchmark performance and comparisons are made with other power modelling techniques. Practical examples are presented, showing applications for single stage SAG (SS-SAG), SAB and SABC circuit configurations.
