Simulation of particle size distribution of the ore destruction product in the particle layer

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Today the main objective of improving the process of ore dressing is toreduce energy consumption and performance of the basic rule of auxiliary enrichment processes.

One of the modern means of ore destruction with a minimum of energy consumption is the inter-particle fracturing , for example in the roller press. There still remain the unsolved problems of the energy consumption determination and the particle size distribution of the crushing product. Existing methods for determining these parameters are empirical and require considerable expenses and time. The improved finite element was developed to solve these problems using finite element contact interaction of the rock. Also it was developed to clarify the stress- strain and the rock fracture energy in a layer. These elements are used to study ore destruction in the layer and allows to create a model taking into account the interaction of crushing particles surfaces. The same algorithm was developed determining crushing product particle size distribution in the layer on the base of the Bond's theory of crushing. The presented finite element model allows to determine the quantity of strain energy and particle size distribution of crushed product during the destruction processes of the material in the roller press with fair accuracy.
