Impact of ROM PSD on the Crushing and Grinding Circuit Throughput

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Mathematical modeling in conjunction with mineral characterization is widely used as a method for design and optimization of comminution circuits, to simulate the processes of crushing, grinding and classification. An important input parameter to the simulation models is the Run-of-Mine Particle Size Distribution (ROM PSD). The run-of-mine size distributions due to blasting have a great influence on the performance of a SAG mill. In this paper, a mine case study was conducted where there are four primary geologic units and the material properties between the four units vary considerably. Also, the mixture of the four unit that will be mined at any given time also vary considerably. This presents a challenge in terms of optimizing the blasting for mill production throughout the mine life. As part of the case study, field rock mass characterization, laboratory rock mechanics tests, and laboratory breakage tests were conducted. The field characterization and rock mechanics tests provide material properties used to simulate the effect of different blast designs on run of mine particle size distributions (ROM PSD).

T. BoBo1 , J. Kemeny2 , F. Fernández Romero4 and M. Rocha Gil3 ;

1 Split Engineering, Tucson, AZ;

2 University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ;

3 Rocha Blast Engineers, Madrid, Spain

4 Split Engineering Chile, Santiago, Chile
