Initiatives to improve energy productivity: Pokrajcic and Stadler IMARC 2015

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The recent IMARC conference included a session on productivity in mining, addressing energy, systems and labour themes. Speakers for the session included CEEC Director Dr Zeljka Pokrajcic, and Anita Stadler from the Australian Alliance to Save Energy.

Dr Pokrajcic presented a brief profile of CEEC International Ltd then expanded on the CEEC Energy Curve program and its benefits. Click here to see the presentation.

Anita Stadler presented a comparison of  Australia's current energy productivity profile compared with similar economies, before reviewing areas for focus to improve Australia's energy productivity. Click here to see the presentation

[caption id="attachment_6055" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Anita Stadler; second from Left. Zeljka Pokrajcic, second from right. Second from left: Anita Stadler. Second from right: Zeljka Pokrajcic[/caption]



