Watch CEEC's presentation at the Forum on doubling Energy Productivity

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CEEC director Dr Mary Stewart recently presented a profile on energy efficiency in comminution at the Forum on Doubling Energy Productivity held in Sydney in April 2014. The program included focus on consumer and industrial productivity opportunities including a dedicated mining  and agriculture session. Chaired by Michael Smith, ANU , the speakers for the mining session included Brendan Pearson, CEO, Minerals Council of Australia; Mr Michael Scott, Technical Specialist, CRC Ore; Dr Damien Giurco, UTS and Mary Stewart, CEEC Board member and General Manager, Consulting at Energetics.

Watch Dr Stewart's  CEEC presentation here.

The Australian Alliance to Save Energy is different from any other Australian trade, industry or non-profit association.  A2SE’s approach is unique for a number of reasons:


 A2SE is not a lobbying group on behalf of member organisations. A2SE is bipartisan and advocates for increased capacity to deliver on energy efficiency.  A2SE is ‘pro energy efficiency’ and therefore supports those working to increase energy efficiency in Australia.

Rather than trying to out-compete existing efforts, A2SE’s approach is to invite all those with a stake in energy efficiency to the table; this includes industry, community and environmental groups, politicians from all major parties, and all sectors of industry. A2SE believes that all of these stakeholders will be required to significantly advance energy efficiency.


 The benefits created through energy efficiency are far reaching and relevant to a wide range of sectors. This is why A2SE provides a mainstream voice for energy efficiency, rather than representing the views of a single membership group.

A2SE advocates that energy efficiency is not only supported by energy efficiency companies, but also by a wide range of organisations from all sectors.

Independent and impartial

 Good, clear, well-researched information on energy savings potential and energy efficiency issues is hard to find.

 A2SE’s bipartisan nature enables us to perform independent energy efficiency research that is in the best interests of the public.


 A2SE is affiliated and linked to international energy efficiency developments and best practices through the Alliance to Save Energy .  The Alliance, which has been operating in the USA for over 30 years, provides A2SE with its operating model.

For more information on A2SE visit their web site.
