Industry leaders join CEEC Board

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CEEC’s Board of Directors welcomed two new members in late 2012. Joe Pease, Chief Executive of Xstrata Technology Ltd and Michael Battersby, Managing Director, Maelgwyn Mineral Services bring their global commercial experience and insight to the CEEC Board. Current board members include Elizabeth Lewis-Gray, Chairman of Gekko Systems Pty. Ltd;  Prof Tim Napier-Munn of JKTech Pty Ltd, Mr Michael Daniel of CMD Consulting and Ms Zeljka Pokrajcic, Principal Process Engineer at Worley Parsons.

CEEC (Coalition for Energy Efficient Comminution) was established in 2011 to support knowledge sharing and change in an area of high energy consumption for the mineral industry.  CEEC is a not-for-profit company funded by grants from the mineral industry, whose mission is to accelerate knowledge and technology transfer in the field of energy-efficient comminution.

Michael Battersby is a co-founder and Managing Director of Maelgwyn Mineral Services Ltd (MMS), based in Cardiff, Wales.  He has over 35 years experience in the minerals industry in operations, general mine management, technical consulting and equipment sales management.

Michael has led MMS to be one of the leading new technology development companies in the minerals industry. To date the company has invented, patented, developed and commercialised five different technologies and processes in the areas of froth flotation and gold processing. In 2001 the company won a Smart Wales award for the development of G-Cell pneumatic flotation.  In 2006 MMS won the “Celebration of Innovation” award for having the most innovative product to come out of Wales for the previous 25 years.

Michael has degrees in Mineral Processing (Cardiff University) and Enterprise & Innovation (Swinburne University of Technology).  He is a Chartered Engineer and a Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (London), the Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy and the Society of Mining Engineers of AIME (USA). Michael is also listed as a co-inventor on a number of patents and has co-authored many technical papers.

Joe Pease has degrees in Metallurgical Engineering and Economics. He has spent 21 years in operations in a variety of research, project and production management roles. Most of this was at Mount Isa in Australia, including Manager of the Mount Isa lead zinc and copper concentrator for eight years, and lead smelter manager for two years.

For the last decade, Joe has been Chief Executive of Xstrata Technology, which develops and markets technologies to improve the efficiency of minerals processing, smelting, refining and leaching.

From his time in operations, Joe saw the perspectives of all stages of the processing chain, from mining to final refining.  This left him with a passion to improve and find efficiencies both within, but especially, between, the traditional “silos” in processing and organisations.

In addition to CEEC, Mr Pease serves on several industry bodies, including the Board and Executive Committee of AMIRA, the Board of the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, the Ian Wark Institute Advisory Board, and the Steering Committee of the Australian Minerals Education Partnership.

CEEC Advocates have been established around the world to support CEEC’s mission to accelerate knowledge transfer in the area of alternative comminution strategies. Located in Peru, Chile, South Africa, Canada and Sweden, these comminution leaders play a critical role in sharing CEEC’s resources with their communities, making public presentations on behalf of CEEC and providing valuable views to the CEEC Board.

CEEC aims to raise awareness of beneficial comminution strategies with the objective of improving earnings, achieving lower process costs and gaining energy efficiencies in the mining sector. Launched in May 2011, CEEC is sponsored by Gold Fields Ltd, Gekko Systems Ltd, Anglo American Ltd, Ausenco Ltd, Newcrest Mining Ltd, Xstrata Technology Ltd, Outotec Ltd, Orica Ltd, Metso Ltd, AMIRA International, JKTech Ltd, University of Queensland’s Sustainable Mineral Institute, MMG Ltd, Russell Mineral Equipment, and Indophil Resources Nl.

CEEC has a comprehensive web site with a selected library of papers and presentations relating to eco-efficient comminution. Regular blog contributions are posted in the web site, as well as on CEEC’s LinkedIn Group. Over 600 global LinkedIn members participate in debate and knowledge sharing through this group.

CEEC awards a Medal annually for the most outstanding paper on eco-efficient comminution, details may be found on the CEEC web site. 2012 CEEC Medal recipients: Rybinski, E., Ghersi, J., Davila, F., Linares J., Valery, W., Jankovic, A., Valle, R., Dikmen S., Optimisation and Continuous improvement of the Antamina Comminution Circuit  (2011) Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Autogenous and Semi-Autogenous Grinding Technology (SAG201

For more information:

Web site:   

Press:                   Sarah Boucaut, Executive Officer +614 222 57 425  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Technical:          Prof Tim Napier Munn                       +61 3365-5888     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

[caption id="attachment_1284" align="alignleft" width="212"]Michael-Battersby Mr Michael Battersby[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1281" align="alignright" width="221"]Joe-Pease Mr Joe Pease[/caption]
