Efficiency meets profitability.

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Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC) in partnership with Natural Resources Canada and the Canadian Industrial Program for Energy Conservation (CIPEC) is bringing together the country's leading energy subject-matter-experts, industry leaders and energy efficiency suppliers, to share best practices and the latest innovations in industrial energy efficiency on a national stage. 

One of the keynote speakers will be Andrew Cooper, New Gold Inc. Andrew Cooper is a Professional Engineer and the Energy Specialist at New Gold's New Afton Mine, based in Kamloops, British Columbia in Canada. With a degree in Electrical Engineering, he started his career as an Engineer in the South African gold mines and thereafter in the steel and petrochemical industries.

Andrew moved to Canada with his wife, Kim, to be the Electrical Engineer at Sifto Salt Mine in Goderich, Ontario, reportedly the world's largest underground salt mine where he was later promoted to Engineering Manager. After completing a Certified Energy Manager's course, Andrew was approached to be the Energy Specialist at New Gold's New Afton mine, the position he holds today.

With the backing of the New Gold management team, Andrew has been instrumental in setting up an Energy Management Information System and in driving the ISO 50001 Energy Management System Standard initiative.

In addition he has initiated and managed several energy efficiency studies and projects. He is passionate about making energy management sustainable at an organization and sees huge value in ISO 50001 being the vehicle to make this a reality.


