CEEC was officially two years old on April 1st, and look at how we've grown!
- Over 15 industry sponsors
- Three comminution efficiency workshops across the globe
- Over 650 members participating in CEEC's LinkedIn group discussions
- Publication of the CEEC Roadmap resulting from the 2012 CEEC Workshop
- Richly populated website hosting over 100 individually selected papers supporting CEEC's vision
- Numerous presentations at worldwide industry meetings and conferences
- Award of the CEEC Medal, now in its second year
- Multiple articles published globally online and in print media
- Creation of CEEC's first infographic visually outlining the benefits of alternative comminution processes
- Mail to over 18,000 industry members around the world
- Partnership with Australian Federal government to produce energy efficient comminution fact sheet
- Publication of 3 newsletters reporting CEEC's progress
- Establishment of CEEC's Twitter account to reach broader international audience
- Creation of global network of CEEC advocates
Thanks to CEEC's network for supporting these activities. There's so much more to come!