Preconcentration and ore processing by on-line sensors

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Auranen, Raatikainen

Presented at the Preconcentration Digital Conference November 2020



IMA Engineering (IMA) and Mine On-Line Service (MOLS) companies have used on-line sensors for analysing ore and waste rock in mining for more than 25 years. Today IMA on-line sensors are used in various stages of the mining process including on-line analysis of drill cores, drill chips, ore and waste in loader bucket, ROM ore analysis on belt conveyor belt and in bulk ore sorting and in slurry analysis in concentrators.

During years of extensive field experience and testing we have found that the waste rock dilution and ore losses create much larger economic and environmental losses than has been previously recognized. According to our studies the main reason is limited number of analysis already in exploration when drill cores or drill cuttings are used in block modelling. The same happens in production because too few and biased samples from benches are used to estimate the ore grade.

Much more than today estimated amount of waste enters the mill and considerable volumes of ore losses happen at the same time. The ore grade on the benches and in muck piles is averaged and “homogenized” with averaged and biased samples. These are the main root causes of waste rock dilution and ore losses. Sensor based preconcentration can be the remedy to waste rock dilution and ore losses.

This presentation will show examples of the use of on-line sensors in preconcentration when analysing ore and waste rock in drill cores, drill cuttings, on conveyor belt and in bulk ore sorting. Waste rock removal in preconcentration has direct effect on energy consumption in crushing and grinding and chemicals in concentrator. In concentrator waste is separated and goes to tailings pond, however, preconcentration directly reduces the volume of the tailings. In our presentation we will cover cases in base metals and in gold mines.


I Auranen1 and J Raatikainen2

1. Chairman, IMA Engineering Ltd Oy, Espoo, Finland, 02270, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2. Managing Director, IMA Engineering Ltd Oy, Espoo, Finland, 02270. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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