Early gangue rejection or metal preconcentration at coarse scale (millimetres) based on size has been identified as a feasible operating alternative whereby energy efficiency and unit metal productivity can be greatly increased. This is achieved by understanding and exploiting ore-specific...
As high grade ore deposits are depleted, remaining deposits are generally lower grade and require the mining and processing of larger volumes of material per tonne of product. These low grade deposits often contain a large proportion of barren gangue. Pre-concentration aims to remove this...
The benefits of pre-concentration using sensor-based sorting have been widely reported with the greatest potential impacts on low grade and high tonnage operations such those mining copper porphyry deposits. Due to the non-selective nature of bulk surface mining methods, significant quan...
A process involving pre-concentration, drum agglomeration and column leach was evaluated for nickel laterite ores from Western Australia. The result showed that pre-concentration by selective comminution followed by size classification has a potential to upgrade nickel laterites and to i...
Blasting plays a major role in the fragmentation of rock in open pit mining, which is then crushed and processed before the final product is obtained. Tailoring the blasting method to suit rock mass characteristics can lead to significant improvements downstream. Mine to Mill is a method...
Metallurgical Plant Design and Operating Strategies 2004
Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited operates the Macraes Gold Mine near Dunedin on the South Island of New Zealand. The ore body is mineralogically complex and comparatively low grade requiring a series of unit processes and resulting in a re...
Ore blending for process optimization is becoming an increasing factor for managing cost and productivity. Economic mining and processing a very low value ore in an extremely competitive market results in constant cost-cutting initiatives. The inherent conflict between the lowest possible mining cos...
XXII International Mineral Processing Congress, Cape Town, South Africa
The introduction and subsequent ascendancy of autogenous and semi-autogenous milling for comminution circuits has undoubtedly lead to many economic advantages. From a process viewpoint, however, at least one downside has been...