Over the past several years, the combination of higher energy and steel costs and the recent commercial deployment of high-pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) technology in hard rock mining have led many multinational mining companies to evaluate the suitability of HPGR technology for their particular co...
The latest newsletter from the AusIMM MetSoc group has been published. It includes Calls for Papers for the 2013 MetPlant meeting, July 15-17 in Perth WA. PS: Great cover page story! Thanks MetSoc!
Even though most major operating companies in the minerals industry have Board-level endorsed sustainability principles and objectives, design engineers typically have no mechanism that allows them to implement those objectives in their work. In addition, the existing project management systems do n...
Contact: Sarah Boucaut +61 422 257 425 Melbourne. Australia, Elizabeth Lewis-Gray, Chairman of CEEC (Coalition for Energy Efficient Comminution) announced today the launch of the inaugural CEEC Medal, an annual award intended to recognise and celebrate the contribution of outstanding published...
In 2003, Anglo Platinum, in a joint development with Xstrata Technology, installed the world’s first 10 000 litre IsaMillTM in a concentrate regrind duty at the Western Limb Tailings Re-treatment Plant. The success of that installation was the enabling event for Anglo Platinum to proceed with a subs...
In September 2011, the Australian Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism's (DRET) Energy Efficiciency Opportunites (EEO) division hosted a Mining industry workshop in Perth Australia. The Energy Efficiency Opportunities (EEO) program is a federal program that requires Australia's largest energy...
Previous papers at Metplant conferences have covered the options for crushing and grinding circuit selection. High Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR) may have considerable advantages over autogenous milling circuits but test work and evaluating different grinding circuits must be done to establish which...
The importance of crushers in the mining industry declined with the introduction and resultant dominance of AG and SAG based circuits, but the recent move to consider more energy efficient circuits has caused the industry to re-consider the role of crushers. Different types of comminution equipment...
Due to the high energy consumption of milling, it is desirable to improve the efficiency of this process. One alternative to reduce energy and material consumption while optimising production yield in mill operation is through balanced design and selection of liners. Over-design of liners leads to i...
The development of Western Australian magnetite deposits has lead to the design of some of the largest grinding mills and plants in the world. One of the projects demonstrates the efficiency gains possible by developing a simple yet thorough test program for circuit design. By drawing on the experie...
The mining industry is facing some key challenges that provide a compelling case for geometallurgy initiatives. Over the last 30 years, the average grade of Australian ore bodies being mined has halved while the waste removed to access the minerals has more than doubled. In the last eight years, the...
The following media release was issued on Monday May 9, 2011. For more information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. CEEC Launch Statement Owen Hegarty Patron and Elizabeth Lewis-Gray, Chair, CEEC
This presentation explores the economic impact of the six key influences on Mining today: Access to Potable Water, Energy shortage, Decreasing Grade, Forced accounting of Carbon, Decreasing Grind Size, Increasing Rock Hardness. Dr Simon Michaux, Ausenco Ltd. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it....
A Conjugate Anvil-Hammer Mill (CAHM) has the potential to replace conventional crushers and SAG mills, with their respective conveyors and stockpiles, in a SABC circuit. It may improve comminution circuit efficiency by 100%. CAHM compresses rock in a more efficient way, similar to 19th century stamp...
Efficiency of the comminution operations is traditionally assessed based on operating cost and energy consumption. Traditionally, the lowest operating cost was achieved by multi-stage fully autogenous grinding due to elimination of steel grinding media costs which may represent up to 50% of the grin...
ABSTRACT Minerals processing needs a step change in energy efficiency. While the search for new technology breakthroughs is important, huge gains are still available by better using existing research outcomes. This potential remains untapped due to a combination of organisational ‘silos’, inappro...
The consumption of energy in the grinding process is significant in both the amount used and the cost involved. Both imply that it is important to maximise the throughput for a given grinding task; which in turn implies it is important to maximise mill power draw, which is related to the efficiency...
Comminution is the most energy intensive component of mining and mineral processing and is extremely costly. Relatively simple process flowsheet strategies such as gangue rejection/ preconcentration, selection of coarser grind sizes and the application of newer crushing and grinding technologies wil...
This report contrasts the performance of the gold industry as a subset of mining, based on a sample of 19 gold mining companies within 201 interviews. The report identifies areas of excellence and those needing improvement. Detailed analysis of critical actions highlights the need for attention to e...
During the last few years high-tonnage plants have been designed with comminution circuits using semiautogenous grinding (SAG) mills, high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR), or both, followed by ball mills in different configurations. A strong interest in improved energy efficiency and reduction of car...
An economically appealing method for improving operations is available without the capital expense — get more out of a mill by applying the advanced control capabilities in the existing plant control system.
Although the majority of current steel production is supported by iron ore sourced from high grade haemetite deposits, the long-term growing demand for steel has led to higher raw material prices and opened the way for many new magnetite deposits to also be developed. There is a rich and long histor...
High Pressure Girding rolls have been used in grinding cement clinker and associated materials since 1985 and had found a niche market in diamond ores and in pellet feed preparation. However their entry into hard rock mining was not secured until recently, with the successful commissioning and opera...
The Bond operating work index is in common use for assessment of comminution efficiency. This method was developed for rod and grinding ball mill circuits and is not well suited to AG/SAG mills or the wide range of comminution devices now in common use. Traditional measures of efficiency only con...
The Institute of Advanced Studies and the Energy and Minerals Initiative present a free public lecture: Energy, Minerals and Climate Change – a healthy mix for Australia? Australia has long benefited from being a supplier to the world of energy (coal and natural gas) and minerals. In the future h...
Abstract The high capacity Stack Sizer screening machine consists of up to five decks positioned one above the other and all operating in parallel. its use together with urethane screen surfaces as fine as 75 microns (200 mesh) has made fine wet screening a practical reality in mineral processing...
CEEC Technical Review Committee comments: This presentation provides great advice for stakeholders who are trying to get a project off the ground and are keen to implement innovation and new ideas in processing. The “take home” message is to understand your orebody, be committed and embark on the...
The world is rapidly becoming more "green" i.e. energy conscious. Since mining and mineral processing are massive energy users, the mining industry is seeking ways to reduce its energy footprint. In mining and mineral processing operations, energy is often the most expensive cost item. Comminution,...
The copper industry is cyclical with the price determined by market forces (i.e. the balance between supply and demand for the metal.) The period of each cycle typically varies between 6 to 9 years. These cycles drive decision making for exploration, new project and mine development,mine closures, p...
HPGR in series can be used to grind a large proportion of the feed to product size but efficiency reduces after the second pass. .. Smaller-diameter HPGR rolls can increase the breakage of coarse particles in multi-pass circuits. .. Smaller top-size, steeper size distribution .. Coarsest particle...
The energy efficiency of comminution processes is very low based on the energy required to generate new fracture surface area relative to the mechanical (strain) energy input. However, the maximum ideal limiting efficiency ELimit against which actual efficiencies may be compared is unknown. Therefor...
A cone crusher and a vertical shaft impact (VSI) crusher were operated in closed circuit to compare the performance of the two different crushing machines. The crushers were operated in closed circuit with a 9 mm final screen aperture size. A comparison of capacity, size reduction and power draw sho...
•HPGR is seriously challenging SAG •Driven by higher media and energy costs. •Driven by ENERGY ACCOUNTING. •Adopting Emergy might attract a strange mix of economists and energy scientists/engineers. •The science of “emergy”is obscure and arcane, “It’s well-known, but only to a few!”